Announcement: Human Resource Integration

The Governor's Office announced yesterday, September 3, 2003 that all Human Resources (HR) functions (personnel, payroll, classification, labor relations, WorkPlace Alaska etc.) within State Government will be integrated within the Department of Administration.

This essentially means that all current Human Resources staff within the Department of Health and Social Services will be transferred to the Department of Administration and integrated with staff from all other departments. Transfers of staff and functions will occur within the next 1 to 9 months.

The Goals of the HR Integration are to: 1) Standardize HR policy and practice within the Executive Branch; 2) Implement enterprise technology systems and tools to improve service delivery; 3) Increase operational technology; and 4) Reduce Administrative costs.

In the short-term all current DHSS HR staff will continue to do the work they are doing now and all processes outlined in policy and procedure and practice will remain the same. As changes occur we will notify all staff as quickly as possible.

For information about the HR Integration project you can contact the Division of Personnel website at:

and "click" on HR INTEGRATION, which is in the middle of the page.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me at or notify me at 465-1630.

Thank you,
Janet Clarke
Director of Administrative Services