Greetings to all DPA staff.
I am happy to note that we have made real progress on the integration of childcare services, formerly with the Department of Education and Early Development, into DPA. The need to organize this large working unit, with it's policy staff, contracts administrators, budget staff and licensing personnel into our structure was a big task.
To do a good job, we found that this task required re-evaluation of the existing DPA organizational structure. Your managers drew draft plans for efficient reorganization which were worked into the new organizational chart. In the process, we created some additional working units that did not exist previously. We expect that these units will be staffed with our current staff.
In most cases, the reorganized org chart reflects new reporting lines and logical work teams that integrate folks from childcare who do the same or related jobs. It DOES NOT reflect a need to relocate large numbers of staff. However, some folks will find that there are new players on their team and that logical relationships between working units are being encouraged by combining those units under common leadership.
In general, we have expanded the number of managers who sit at the managerial table so that information will flow more freely. We hope the result of all this will be better teamwork, better information flow up and down the DPA structure and better performance at all levels. I encourage you to look at the new org chart. A detailed chart will be available later.