2006 Public Assistance Worker Appreciation Week

This week I hope each and every one of you will take time to recognize and appreciate one another for the exceptional work we do at DPA!

Although this is only my second month as Director, I have had the wonderful opportunity to work in many jobs in DPA from clerk-typist to ET, a home visitor and lead worker to special projects and Chief of Policy and Program Development. My experience over the last 25 years gives me a great appreciation for what each of you do every day to provide services to people. I also know that it takes all of us pulling together to make things work well.

Rather than a work-related report highlighting our accomplishments over the last year, I just want to send a special note to express my appreciation for you. DPA is known as a dynamic and professional organization - one of the best in state government. Credit for this reputation goes to all of you who are focused on the families and the individuals we serve, continuous improvement in how we serve, a willingness to offer ideas, and working very hard to get the job done. I am confident that we will all continue to excel and reach, even exceed, our goals this year. Thanks once again for your commitment and expertise.

Your dedication to helping those less fortunate is just incredible!

Thank you!!