The EPIEmployment Planning Interview will determine:


  1. If a client must participate in temporary Assistance work activities, and if so, the number of hours of participation that will be considered a "full schedule of activities" (WSPM MS 1003-2); or,
  2. if the client is exempt or has good cause for not participating in work activities (WSPM MS 1006).  


If the employment planning interview determines that clients are excused from work activities or have good cause for not participating in work activities they must still develop a FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan ATAPAlaska Temporary Assistance Program MS 723-1 and ATAPAlaska Temporary Assistance Program MS 730-2)


An employment planning interview marks the beginning of case management services.  In the interview a case manager will assess and document an ATAPAlaska Temporary Assistance Program family's capacity for and barriers to self-sufficiency that will be used in the development of a FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan.  The interview is a discussion with a client in the beginning of an ongoing process to help the family achieve self-sufficiency.  The interview is an opportunity to assess, build rapport and orient the client to the ATAPAlaska Temporary Assistance Program program goals and expectations.  





The EPIEmployment Planning Interview and form TA 5 must be completed within 30 days of the client's referral to Work Services. Do not allow the form itself to drive the employment planning interview. Remain open and flexible to your client's responses and allow for deviation in order to explore topics.  The client may be given the TA 5 prior to the initial appointment so they can review and be prepared to participate in the interview.  


The TA 5 is completed during the employment planning interview (EPIEmployment Planning Interview). Each section is concluded by a "Case Manager's Summary of" and the section title. The summary should demonstrate a conversation regarding the answers provided by the client and the follow-up questions and resulting discussion. This section is used to begin strategizing goals and steps to be included on the FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan(s). Not every component considered during the EPIEmployment Planning Interview needs to be included on the initial FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan.


Case managers may find it useful to review the EPIEmployment Planning Interview from time to time for consideration in on-going planning.


Each Case Manager Summary section is copied into the Employability Assessment CLNOClient Notes


Documentation of the client's participation in completing the EPIEmployment Planning Interview and of the Case Manager's attempts at client engagement and reengagement  are required to demonstrate due diligence.  A copy of the TA 5 will be maintained in the client's file.   




The client provides their employment history by completing this section of the form or by providing information to the case manger during the interview.  


This section captures the client's current employment status, work history, and job outcomes. The questions in this section are designed to be "open ended" questions that should lead to a more in depth conversation between the case manager and the client with a focus on immediate employment or the supports needed for the client to either maintain their current employment or immediately engage in employment related activities.


After discussion, the case manger completes the "Case Manager's Summary of Employment Status" in their CLNOClient Notes.  


1001-3 C.      FUTURE WORK


The client provides their future work interests by completing this section of the form or by providing information to the case manger during the interview.


This section assess the client's ability to seek and secure work. The answers provided by the client should lead the case manager to assess a client's preparedness for employment by considering the following and expanding on the client's responses:



After discussion, the case manger completes the "Case manager's Summary of Employment Status" in their CLNOClient Notes.




The client provides their work skills and experience by completing this section of the form or by providing information to the case manger during the interview.


This section provides the case manager and client with a clear picture of the type of occupations in which the client has the most experience. The answers provided by the client lead to case manager to assess a client's readiness for employment and the appropriate activities to incorporate on the FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan.


After discussion, the case manger completes the "Case manager's Summary of Employment Status" in their CLNOClient Notes.




The client provides their additional skills and experience by completing this section of the form or by providing information to the case manger during the interview.


This section further expands on the clients work skills and experience by looking at the client's actual "hands-on" skills and industry specific experience. Case managers should be able to accurately assess proficiency within a specific certification/licensing to pursue higher level employment.


After discussion, the case manger completes the "Case manager's Summary of Skills and Knowledge" in their CLNOClient Notes.


1001-3 F.      RESOURCES


The client provides their resources by completing this section of the form or by providing information to the case manger during the interview.


This section is very basic and addresses what resources the client currently has and how those resources can contribute to their overall self-sufficiency. Case managers should be able to evaluate if the client has the necessary resources in place to successfully seek or maintain employment or engage in activities.


After discussion, the case manger completes the "Case manager's Summary of Employment Status" in their CLNOClient Notes.


Case managers may use this section to identify supportive service needs (WSPM MS 1004).


Identified gaps in resources may result in a referral for that service on the FSSP (WSPM MS 1001-10 and 1002).


1001-3 G.      EDUCATION


The client provides their education by completing this section of the form or by providing information to the case manger during the interview.


This section covers the clients' overall educational status. Review of this section should lead the case manager to discuss any specialized training the client has received, higher education actions or goals, or if the client has any familiarity with job readiness or job search assistance activities. Case managers should be able to:



After discussion, the case manger completes the "Case manager's Summary of Employment Status" in their CLNOClient Notes.


1001-3 H.      LEGAL ISSUES


The client provides their legal issues by completing this section of the form or by providing information to the case manger during the interview.


This section is used to identify any legal issues that a client may be currently experiencing or has criminal offenses that may affect a client's ability to gain sustainable employment that will lead to self-sufficiency. Case managers should be able to:



After discussion, the case manger completes the "Case manager's Summary of Employment Status" in their CLNOClient Notes.




The client provides their personal history by completing this section of the form or by providing information to the case manger during the interview.


This section gives the client and case manager a complete overview of the household in general, dependent care, other agency involvement, current housing situation, and the client's basic needs. Case managers should be able to:



After discussion, the case manger completes the "Case manager's Summary of Employment Status" in their CLNOClient Notes.


1001-3 J.      HEALTH AND SAFETY


The client provides their health and safety by completing this section of the form or by providing information to the case manger during the interview.


This section gives the client and case manager an overview of the client's overall health and safety. Case managers should be able to:



After discussion, the case manger completes the "Case manager's Summary of Employment Status" in their CLNOClient Notes.




Anything shared under additional information is reviewed and documented in the CLNOClient Notes




The case manager completes this section by summarizing each section of the Employment Planning Interview and Employability Assessment and makes recommendations for self-sufficiency planning in their CLNOClient Notes.



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