Federal law and State statute require that every adult who is included in an assistance unit must develop, sign, and comply with an FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan, see 45 CFR 261.12 and TANF State Plan 4.2.


The initial FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan is based on a thorough employability assessment. Completing a Family Self-Sufficiency Plan within 30 days of referral is expected as the final product of this assessment, see WSPMWork Services Procedure Manual MS 1001.


Assign the client to a full schedule of activities based on their individual circumstances. Generally, families are assigned to 40 hours a week of activities. Exceptions to the 40 hour a week assignment requirement will be documented in CLNOClient Notes. Updated FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plans are based on the progress identified by on-going assessment including the family's life complexities, individual dynamics, and present situation, see WSPMWork Services Procedure Manual MS 1001. The FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan includes concurrent activities that will lead the client towards self-sufficiency. It is a road map that describes the steps, and, in general, the order in which those steps will be taken.



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