1001-10          PARTNER AGENCIES


Case managers are expected to develop relationships with partner agencies for the client's success. Some individuals may have a plan that was developed while they were receiving services from another agency or program.


The case manager should review all existing plans and work with the family to incorporate partner agency plans into a new FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan. The case manager will also coordinate planning and services with partner agency staff to ensure the responsibility for monitoring the participant's activities and providing supportive services is clearly defined.


In some instances, case managers may identify the need for collaboration between other agencies involved in the client's life. This collaboration may involve the need to gather all parties involved and formulate a plan that addresses the complexities of the client's life as well as acknowledges the roles and responsibilities of the other agencies.


When other agencies are invited to attend with or on behalf of the client, case managers will maintain the client's confidentiality through securing the appropriate release of information forms (ROI).


Collaborative meetings with partners establish a schedule of all activities that impact the client. They ensure that activities are appropriate and meet the expectations of the other agencies and will support the client in successfully meeting all obligations.



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