Supportive Services (SS) are financial, social, or other services which help families to go to work and improve their quality of life. Work Services include a variety of supports to help clients get, keep, and advance on the job. SS are used to aid in client engagement in activities appropriate to employment or employment readiness. The need must be specific, identified in the FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan, directly related to an approved activity, employment opportunity, or the potential for job advancement or work readiness activity.


The need for SSSupportive Services will be proactively assessed and discussed during the intake and employability assessment as case managers identify a client's potential challenges to achieving full engagement in their FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan. Planned use of SSSupportive Services would consider the full the range of the family's issues and abilities to meet their own needs. All planned SSSupportive Services should be listed on the FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan.


All requests for SSSupportive Services and the authorization or denial of SSSupportive Services must be fully documented in CLNOClient Notess, including a reflection of these discussions.


It is a DPADivision of Public Assistance requirement that Supportive Services be either provided or formally denied by the WSPWork Services Provider within three working days from the date of the request by the client.



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