1002-2          COMPONENTS OF THE FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan


1002-2 A.      EMPLOYMENT GOAL


The Employment Goal is a field of employment or broad job title for the first job that would be enough money for the client to voluntarily close their ATAPAlaska Temporary Assistance Program case, or would exceed the ATAPAlaska Temporary Assistance Program income standards. If medical documentation supports the likelihood that the client may qualify for SSISupplemental Security Income or SSDISocial Security Disability Insurance, it may be used as the employment goal, see WSPMWork Services Procedure Manual MS 1010.


1002-2 B.      GOAL DATE


The Goal Date is the date by which the family believes they will be able to close their ATAPAlaska Temporary Assistance Program case.




Intermediate Goals are a broad statement to introduce the assignments that will lead to the completed employment goal such as:



1002-2 D.      STEPS


Steps identify up to three activities that will lead to the completion of the Intermediate Goal. Additional steps may be added or current steps continued on an FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan until the intermediate goal is completed or the client and case manager agree that a step should be replaced with an alternative.


  1. Steps describe the time, place, and other pertinent details of the intermediate goal.
  2. Steps demonstrate that the client has been assigned to the appropriate number of hours for their circumstances (40 hours per week, unless otherwise documented, see WSPMWork Services Procedure Manual MS 1003-4).



Paperwork submission requirements and compliance issues cannot be written as a step because they do not move the client off assistance.


1002-2 E.      START DATE


The Start Date identifies the date that each individual step will begin. Some steps may begin later because they are consecutive steps towards an intermediate goal. Other dates may be concurrent because the activities may be overlapping or occurring on the same dates.


1002-2 F.      COMPLETION / REVIEW


Completion/Review dates based on the level of monitoring or support the client may need to successfully complete the step(s) of the intermediate goal(s). Consider how long it will reasonably take for the client to accomplish the activity considering their level of functioning and the resources available in their community.




Supportive Services are the goods and services that are directly connected with the completion of an assigned work or self-sufficiency activity that will be purchased with ATAPAlaska Temporary Assistance Program supportive services funds. Funds provided by partner agencies should be identified on the FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan to prevent duplication or omission, see WSPM MS 1004-5. Childcare needs will be determined during FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan development. The case manager will request appropriate childcare based on the parent's schedule of activities, see the CCPO Policy & Procedure Manual.




The Work Requirement Status identifies the applicable obligation the client has towards participation based on any documented exemption status. Select the box appropriate for the client's circumstances:


  1. Not exempt: Fully able and required to participate in all activities;
  2. Excused: (Enter the date through which the exemption is valid) from work and work readiness, but required to develop an FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan and participate in activities that will lead to self-sufficiency; or
  3. Excused, But Volunteering: This is to be used for the individuals referred to Work Services but not required to participate, see ATAP MS 770-2, ATAP MS 770-5, and ATAP MS 770-7.
  4. The Next Appointment section allows the client and case manager to document the time, date, and (as necessary) location of the next appointment and plan update.
  5. Changes To This Plan provide an opportunity for discussion between case manager and client about communicating changes or the need for changes in an FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan. This section also allows opportunity to discuss the 60-month time limit and possibility of penalty if the client fails to participate in the agreed upon activities.
  6. Additional Information is a good location to note:

  1. The total number of months of assistance the household has used;
  2. The total number of weekly activity hours required on the FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan;
  3. The case manager's contact information;
  4. Reminders about submitting paperwork; or,
  5. Other compliance or paperwork related needs.

  1. The Release of Information provides a generic release that allows communication and collaboration with partners, see Admin MS 105-8.
  2. Signatures and Date are required by both the participant and case manager. In a two-parent household, only the participant named on the plan is required to sign the FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan, as each parent must develop and sign their own FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan.
  3. Case Managers enter the Date Signed in CMSCase Management System. Once the field is completed, the FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan will be hard-coded in CMSCase Management System and no changes can be made to the plan. If the FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan needs to be updated, a new form is required.



If the FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan is developed by telephone, the case manager notes the participant's agreement with the FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan in CLNOClient Notes, signs the FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan, keeps a copy for the case record, and sends the original to the participant to sign and return. An electronic signature is acceptable (i.e. fax, emailed, or submitted via Smart phone). An unsigned FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan is considered incomplete and may lead to a Self-Sufficiency penalty, see WSPM  MS 1007. If the client refuses to sign their FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan or fails to return a mailed FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan, the case manager will select "Client did not sign" in CMSCase Management System. The case manager must select either a "Date signed" or select "Client did not sign" in order to generate a new FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan.



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    MC #11 (12/23)