A pregnant woman with no other TATemporary Assistance eligible children in the home can receive a ATAPAlaska Temporary Assistance Program benefit payment beginning 90 days before the expected date of delivery of a medically verified pregnancy.  The expected date of delivery may change during the course of the pregnancy; benefits based on pregnancy continue so long as the woman remains in her last 90 days of pregnancy.




The pregnant woman must meet all eligibility factors as if her child were already born and living with her. The needs, resources, and income of all household members who would be required to be included in the mandatory filing unit must be considered in determining eligibility.  If eligibility exists for the entire unit then the pregnant woman is eligible.  The ATAPAlaska Temporary Assistance Program benefit payment is then determined based only on the pregnant woman's income.


770-2 B.     PATERNITY


An unrelated male household member, who claims to be the baby's father, must acknowledge paternity by signing the ATAPAlaska Temporary Assistance Program Statement of Relationship (GEN 7).




Pregnant women must prepare a Family Self-Sufficiency Plan (FSSP), and may be required to participate in assigned work activities.  A penalty may be imposed if the pregnant women does not comply with the FSSPFamily Self-Sufficiency Plan requirements.


 A father who lives in the home and has no other children in that home, other than the unborn child, can voluntarily participate in preparing a FSSPFamily Self-Sufficiency Plan and receive case management and supportive services.  If the father does not comply with the FSSPFamily Self-Sufficiency Plan requirements, a penalty will not be imposed until the child is born and the baby and father are added to the case.


After a child is born the father must participate in developing a FSSPFamily Self-Sufficiency Plan to document his plan for contribution to the family’s self-sufficiency and participate in assigned work activities. If the father does not comply with the FSSPFamily Self-Sufficiency Plan requirements, a penalty will be imposed.




Pregnancy must be verified by a competent medical professional such as an MDMedical Doctor, PHNPublic Health Nurse , PAPhysician's Assistant or nurse midwife.  Verification must include an EDDEstimated Date of Delivery.  Coverage begins no earlier than 90 days before the expected date of birth.


If an MDMedical Doctor, PHNPublic Health Nurse, PAPhysician's Assistant, or certified nurse-midwife is not available in the client’s home community, a village health aide may verify pregnancy in lieu of transporting the client to a certified health professional.


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MC #39 (03/13)