1002-3          SMART FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plans


The FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plans intermediate goals, steps, and activity dates are written according to SMART (Specific, Meaningful, Assessable, Realistic, Time-Bound) guidelines. When planning is SMARTSpecific, Meaningful, Assessable, Realistic, Time-Bound, the client and case manager are both able to clearly see what is expected, know when it is accomplished, and when to reevaluate and update the plan.


1002-3 A.      SPECIFIC


When reading their FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan, the client should be able to understand:



1002-3 B.      MEANINGFUL


To be meaningful to the client, every activity should be either directly linked to accomplishing a specific intermediate goal or designed to help the client to find the best way to reach their employment goal.


Case managers schedule meetings and request documents from clients on a regular basis in the course of providing Work Services. Regular contact with clients helps case managers know what the client is doing and helps in documenting client progress towards exiting Temporary Assistance. However, each contact with the case manager should be value-added for the client as well. Every meeting, and all paperwork turned in, should be linked to helping the client accomplish their goals. Meetings and other tasks the client needs to complete should be identified as activities on the FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan, and include the purpose of the meeting or paperwork to be turned in. The client owns the FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan, therefore everything on the plan is about how they will exit Temporary Assistance and/or increase their family's self-sufficiency.


1002-3 C.      ASSESSABLE


Intermediate goals and activities are written on the FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan so that both the client and case manager can assess the client's progress. When the intermediate goal is well defined, it is clear when it has been accomplished. When activity participation expectations are clear, it will be obvious if the client has engaged in the activity.


1002-3 D.      REALISTIC


Intermediate and employment goals are intended to be achievable by the client within 24 months. If clients have less than 24 months of Temporary Assistance benefits remaining, identify how the client intends to realistically support their family through employment or other income before they reach their life-time limit, see ATAP MS 719.


1002-3 E.      TIME-BOUND


The case manager will estimate, with the client,  how long it will reasonably take the client to complete specific assigned activities. Some activities take a simple phone call. Others may require hours or even multiple days to complete. The Completion/Review date is based on the schedule and complexity of the task and the client's ability to navigate the task. If the client encounters difficulty in accomplishing any of the activities, the completion date may be reassessed, or the activity may be removed from the plan and if applicable, replaced with an alternate activity.   



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