9200-4          REQUESTING ACCESS


There are several different trainings and forms that must be completed depending on the system access request. In this section, you will find an explanation of each of the trainings and forms, links to the trainings and forms, and examples of completed forms.




New staff requesting system access and those who are renewing their access for another year must take a HIPAAHealth Insurance Portability and Accountability Act training and a training on Social Security Confidentiality. Both of these trainings must be completed annually.


1. HIPAAHealth Insurance Portability and Accountability Act


Before receiving access to any State of Alaska system, it is required that the employee take HIPAAHealth Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (Health Insurance and Portability Accountability Act) training and submit the certificate along with a copy of their photo ID. This training is online at DOHDepartment of Health's Learning Management System. When the individual has completed the HIPAAHealth Insurance Portability and Accountability Act training, they will be provided a certificate of completion. The certificate should be provided to the sponsor when requesting system access for the first time and annually at renewal.


2. Social Security Confidentiality


It is a federal requirement that all individuals with access to social security information take an annual training to remind them of the confidentiality requirements. All individuals with access to EISEligibility Information System have access to Social Security information so must complete this course. This training is also available online at DOHDepartment of Health's Learning Management System.


When the individual has completed the training, they will receive a certificate. There is also a form that must be printed out and signed by the individual acknowledging they have completed the training and understand all aspects of confidentiality. Both the signed form and certificate must be provided to the sponsor when requesting access for a new staff member or at renewal.



If an individual has previously taken the Social Security Confidentiality training, the button to print the certificate may show the older date. Once the staff member clicks on the button to access the certificate, the complete date will be updated.


3. Using the Learning Management System


Both the HIPAAHealth Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Training and Social Security Training are available online here: https://learn.dhss.alaska.gov/login/index.php.


The first time you access the Learning Management System, you will need to create a new account by clicking on that button on the right hand side of the screen.



Once your information is entered, you'll get an email to confirm the information. When you click on the link in the email to confirm your account, it will bring you back to the home page. You should click on "Find Your Course Here."



On the next screen, you will see the HIPAAHealth Insurance Portability and Accountability Act training at the bottom of the page. Click on that link to begin the HIPAAHealth Insurance Portability and Accountability Act training.



To access the Social Security Awareness Training, click on the drop down menu for Public Assistance.



There are two types of Social Security Training. Choose the one entitled "Security Awareness for Social Security Administration (SSA) 2020."



9200-4 b.      REQUIRED FORMS


In order to process Tribal TANFTemporary Assistance to Needy Families benefits, caseworkers need access to several systems including EISEligibility Information System, for child support information, and SAMSecure Access Manager for Department of Labor information. They will also need a VPNVirtual Private Network and WebConnect sign on. This requires the completion of several forms for the initial request and annual renewal. The point of contact is responsible for ensuring all forms are completed correctly and sent to the sponsor at hss.dpa.policy@alaska.gov.


1. New Employee





Agencies who do not have WinStar access should follow directions in subsection 6. Requesting Access to MyAlaska Verification Portal.


An example of completed forms can be found in Addendum 1.


2. Annual Renewal


It is very important that renewal forms be completed prior to expiration of the employee's access. Whenever possible, NFAPNative Family Assistance Program agencies should follow the group renewal process. Group renewals are typically a faster process and reduces the chance that someone will lose access for failure to renew. Once access expires, the employee must complete all forms required of a new employee. Additionally, the process will take longer and the staff member may be without access for an extended period of time. Staff will receive an email letting them know their accounts will expire unless a renewal is initiated.



An example of completed forms can be found in Addendum 1.


3. Password Reset or Change


A new password must be chosen every 3 months. An email may be sent prior to the password expiring. If the staff member remembers their password, they change it themselves following the instructions below. If the staff member does not remember their password, the POCPoint of Contact must send an email to hss.dpa.policy@alaska.gov so the sponsor can request a password reset. All password reset requests must include a screen print showing what happens when the user tries to sign in along with the specific information listed below.


a. SOAState of Alaska Password



If a user remembers their password, they can change it themselves using this link: https://aws.state.ak.us/password. Please follow the directions below:


  1. Enter soa\username.
  2. Enter old password.
  3. Enter new password using the password rules shown.
  4. Reenter new password.
  5. Hit Enter.




The POCPoint of Contact should send an email to hss.dpa.policy@alaska.gov. They must include:



IT will call the user with a temporary password.



b. Mainframe Password



See MS 9200-5 B (1) for instructions on choosing a password.



If the user remembers their password, they can change it themselves on the Mainframe screen.


  1. Enter HPA ID.
  2. Enter old password.
  3. Enter new password using the password rules shown in MS 9200-5 B (1).
  4. Reenter new password.
  5. Hit enter.




c. Example: EIS Password Reset



4. Change in Access


There may be times where the type of access needed changes. For instance, clerical support may become a caseworker and start determining eligibility. In that situation, the following forms must be completed and sent to the sponsor at hss.dpa.policy@alaska.gov.



An example of completed forms can be found in Addendum 1.


5. Delete Access


When an individual with access leaves your agency or moves to a job within your agency and no longer requires system access, the point of contact must request the account be deleted. The following forms must be completed and sent to the sponsor at hss.dpa.policy@alaska.gov.



An example of completed forms can be found in Addendum 1.


6. Requesting Access to MyAlaska Verification Portal


Tribal TANFTemporary Assistance to Needy Families staff who do not have access to WinStar can still access some child support information using the verification portal in MyAlaska. Tribal TANFTemporary Assistance to Needy Families staff should not use their personal MyAlaska information to access the CSSDChild Support Services Division verification portal. They must request access using the following process:


  1. POCPoint of Contact sends an email to dor.cssd.customerservice.anchorage@alaska.gov including the following information:
  2. Once received by CSSDChild Support Services Division, they will send them an invitation to get connected to the verification portal and instructions.


This information is also on the CSSDChild Support Services Division website for other agencies to reference to get started: https://www.childsupport.alaska.gov/Home/Verification-Information.aspx.



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