9200-5          ACCESSING EISEligibility Information System, WINSTAR, AND SAMSecure Access Manager


In most situations, those accessing state systems outside of the State of Alaska firewall must do so through a VPNVirtual Private Network account using WebConnect. Once signed into the VPNVirtual Private Network, users can access EISEligibility Information System through the Mainframe, WinStar through an app like BlueZone or Putty, and SAMSecure Access Manager through the internet.


9200-5 A.      WEB CONNECT


Before accessing EISEligibility Information System, you must connect the WebConnect client using the following steps.


Step 1: https://web3270.state.ak.us/


Step 2: Enter your SOA username and password

You might see this screen asking permission to run the JAVA application. If you get any JAVA error messages, you will need to contact your IT section for assistance.



If you see the JAVA login screen, you will need to use your State of Alaska (SOAState of Alaska) username and password.



Afterwards you may have to give permission to allow your system to run OpenConnect.



Step 3: Select the JDC1-jdc1ssl link



Step 4: You made it to the Mainframe


Finally, you will see the Mainframe logon screen along with a small pop-up window that is required to stay open to be connected to the WebConnect client.



9200-5 B.      SIGNING ON TO THE MAINFRAME AND EISEligibility Information System


Signing into the Mainframe will allow you to access EISEligibility Information System to view information on public assistance cases.



The instructions tell you to press the <ENTER> key, however, some keyboards require that you use the <CONTROL> key instead of the <ENTER> key for some of these functions.



1. Creating a New Password


Before signing in for the first time, you need to think about creating your own password. The temporary password you'll be sent is only good for 24 hours. It must be changed the first time you sign in or you will need to wait for another temporary password to be sent to you.


Certain requirements must be followed in order for your new password to be accepted:



Password Examples


Good Password Unacceptable Password Reason Not Acceptable
52Years! 52Yeers! Repeating Characters
D0hpawrk Hpadpmw Logon ID, no numeric character, and only 7 characters
1pass2go SepNFAP01 Banned beginning and 9 characters


2. Signing onto the Mainframe


The first screen you see after signing on through OpenConnect is the Mainframe screen.




3. Signing onto EISEligibility Information System


  1. You should now be at your personalized menu. It will look similar to the screen shot below. You may have different options listed depending on your permission levels.




  1. On the following screen, type HEIS and hit <ENTER>.



  1. You will now see the EISEligibility Information System logon screen.




9200-5 C.      SIGNING ON TO SAMSecure Access Manager


SAMSecure Access Manager (Secure Access Manager) is the Department of Labor's unemployment benefit system. Use this link to access SAMSecure Access Manager.


When you reach the web page, you will see a drop-down menu. Click on the arrow and choose "All Other Users" then click the button to continue to sign in.



A new window will come up showing the email provided to you by the State of Alaska and asking for you password.



Enter the password for your State of Alaska ID to complete your sign on. Information about navigating SAMSecure Access Manager can be found in the Learning Management System: https://learn.dhss.alaska.gov/login/index.php.





Child support information is now accessed through either WinStar or the MyAlaska verification portal. In order to use WinStar, your agency must have a program similar to BlueZone or Putty. If your agency does not have that type of program, you must access child support information through MyAlaska.


1. Connect to the WinStar Server


  1. Connect to the state network with your VPN connection.
  2. Execute the Emulator using one of the options below:


Option 1 – Connect Using BlueZone

Your desktop support team should have installed the Rocket BlueZone Session Manager software together with the Default CSSDChild Support Services Division BlueZone profile which contains the PF-KEY mappings and the color settings. The CSSDWinStar.zvt session file will need to be downloaded and placed inside this directory to show the icon in the BlueZone Session Manager: "BlueZoneWorking Dir"\BlueZone\Config\


Option 2 – Connect with Other SSH Client (e.g. PuTTY)

Your IT person has configured this for you and will have instructions on its use. (Execute the client, then skip ahead to Section B.)


Option 1: BlueZone connections, DO the following:


  1. Open your Rocket BlueZone Session Manager.



  1. Double click the session file (CSSDChild Support Services Division WinStar).
  2. Accept the SSH certificates by selecting "y" on the prompt and click "Enter."



The first time you connect or if your IP address changes, you will see this screen which will require you to "Accept" the SSH Public Certificate issued by the remote server. You will not see it after the first connection.



2. Plan Your Password


You will be required to set a new password before you can access the WinStar application environment. Spend a minute and craft your password with the rules below.


Password Rules


Example Password   Explanation
October2020 Bad Not EXACTLY 8 characters long
Servs&R5 Good Has upper, lower case, number, special character, and is 8 characters long
Fall*20! Bad Has adjacent repeating characters


3. Login to WinStar


Once you are connected to the server (step 1), you will automatically be routed to the WinStar (NSTAR) logon screen. Follow the instructions below to log in and set your new password.


 Use Tab to navigate to the next field.

 Use Shift+Tab to go to the previous field.







  1. Enter your WinStar User ID in the User ID field on the left side of your screen. This User ID is the same as your Mainframe ID. User ID example: HPAABCD.
  2. Next, tab to the Password field and enter the default password: 1Monday@
  3. The cursor will automatically move to the New Password field. Now, type in the new password you planned out in Section B.
  4. Press Enter.
  5. WinStar will then ask you to re-enter your new password again (in the new Password field). So, re-type it and press Enter on the keyboard.



The WinStar application should start immediately as shown below. For now, you will still see the name NSTAR on this entry screen.



4. Terminate the WinStar Session


Typing END in the RCSLIBP code section will log you out of WinStar.



Press ENTER when this screen appears. Your screen will be terminated.



Do not close your session at any time using the Windows X (top right). This will cause run-a-way processes on the server.





If an agency does not have access to WinStar, they can still get child support information from the MyAlaska Verification Portal. Staff should not use their personal sign on to access this information. Agencies should follow the directions in MS 9200-4 B (6) to get access to the portal from CSED.


  1. Sign in to MyAlaska using the profile information provided by CSED.
  2. Navigate to the verification portal.
  3. Enter member information to look at any cases related to that member.



If you selected a Case #, click on the Member # you want. NOTE: If you enter a Member # or SSNSocial Security Number in the search, there will only be one Member # so the case list will be shown without having to click on the Member #.



Example of selecting a Member # or SSNSocial Security Number which gives you both the member list and case list, without needing to select the Member #.



Select the start and end months. The default is the last three months.



Below is an example of the payment history, which includes the support charge which is the monthly support amount and the amounts Paid to Family, Paid to Others, Applied to Current, and Applied to Arrears.



Below is an example of the PDF report that generates when you click on "Generate PDF Report." The report is based on the financial period you selected previously.





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    MC #6 (04/23)