Department of Health and Social Services

Division of Public Assistance





MANUAL:  Alaska Temporary Assistance Program


DATE:  April 1, 2010


We are making several changes to incorporate new policy, clarify existing policy and align policies within our program policy manuals.  This includes:



Policy changes to child support assignment owed to the family announced by broadcast in October have been integrated into Temporary Assistance Manual Chapter 717, Child Support Assignment and Cooperation. Other changes are either technical in nature or clarifications that are the result of policy questions or suggestions from the field.


Highlights to policy revisions are described below.  If you have any questions please contact the Policy and Program Development Team at 465-3382 or email




MS 705-2  Application Process


MS 705-4  Verification


MS 713-3 Qualified Aliens


MS 713-4  Five Year Bar  


MS 713-8 Proof of Qualified Alien Status


MS 717  Child Support Assignment and Cooperation

MS 717-2 Assignment Of Rights To Child Support

MS 717-3 How A Caretaker Cooperates With Child Support Services Division

MS 717-4 Failure To Cooperate With CSSDChild Support Services Division

MS 717-5 Case Processing

MS 717-6 Procedures For Exchanging Information

MS 717-7 How CSSDChild Support Services Division Collections Affect The Temporary Assistance Case


MS 752-10 Vehicles


MS 753-4 Items of Employment


MS 753-6 Other Exclusions


MS 758-1 Child Support Income


MS 759-5 Income from Self-Employment


MS 780-19  Shelter Allowance