1007-12 FOLLOW-UP
If information is obtained at the home visit that impacts eligibility or indicates possible fraud, it should be given to the caseworker and a fraud referral made if appropriate.
If, as a result of the PR visit or other contacts with the family, the Work Services case manager has concerns about abuse, neglect, or the safety of the children, they will contact OCS with their concerns.
Case managers must follow the guidance in MS 1007-2 to request a penalty on the case.
Once a family receives a reduction in assistance of 75%, the case manager will maintain contact with the family to try to re-engage them in working towards their self-sufficiency.
The case manager will continue efforts to re-engage families whose assistance was not reduced further to 75% or 100% and will document each attempt in CLNO . For these families, the case manager may do further PR visits and make the decision to increase the reduction in assistance later if the family's situation changes and the well-being of the children is no longer significantly jeopardized.
Once a family's assistance is reduced by 75% or 100%, it cannot be changed back to a 40% reduction. The family has the option to comply with the required activity and end the penalty. The penalty may also be ended if good cause is determined or an exemption is identified, see MS 1006 and 1007.
MC #7 (04/21) |