Before reducing a family's assistance by 75% or imposing a full family penalty (100% reduction) and closing the case, case managers must determine if the reduction will result in conditions that threaten the health or safety of the children in the family. If the case manager needs additional assistance in making the determination, case managers may consult with WSTAWork Services Technical Assistance, their agency leadership or other staff or agencies that have worked with the family. The decision will consider all available information about the family obtained from the PRPre-Employment Skills visit, other contacts with the family, the case management and eligibility records, and contacts with other staff or agencies. The decision to progress the penalty or not must be documented in CLNOClient Notes and CANOCase Note.



Sensitive information cannot be included in a CANOCase Note, see Admin MS 109-3 and 109-10 when requesting an eligibility action of any kind. Sensitive information includes but is not limited to domestic violence, sexual abuse, substance abuse, mental illness, and medical needs. If sensitive information exists that affects eligibility, Work Services case manager's should state in CANOCase Note that "good cause exists" without being specific.



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    MC #3 (04/19)