Department of Health and Social Services

Division of Public Assistance




MANUAL:  Alaska Temporary Assistance Program


DATE:  September 1, 2009


As a result of the Food and Nutrition Service approving the waiver of face-to-face interviews for Alaska, changes have been made to the interview chapter to remove the requirement to document why the face-to-face interview was waived. This change was announced by broadcast on August 4 and is retroactive to June 1, 2009.


Other revisions include a note to clarify when a work activity penalty may not be imposed and update information on work activities.


Chapter 732 Families First is new.  The chapter defines Families First and key terms of this service delivery strategy to coordinate collaborative community-based services, supports, and resources for Temporary Assistance families who are co-enrolled with multiple service providers. A section on assignment and compliance with Families First activities is included.


This manual change also includes new heating and non-heating utility standards that are effective October 1, 2009.


Addendum 3 is new, and explains the criteria for exempting Alaska Native Villages from the 60-month time limit.


Highlights of these revisions are described below. If you have any questions please contact the Policy and Program Development Team at 465-3382 or e-mail




MS 705-3 The Interview


MS 723  Penalties


MS 730  Work: Participation in Work Activities


MS 732  Families First


Addendum 1  Exempt Alaska Native Villages


Addendum 2  Temporary Assistance Income and Payment Standards


Addendum 3  Criteria for Alaska Native Village Exemption From the 60-month Time Limit