(50 percent of population age 16 or older is not working)
(Communities that are currently exempt are listed in bold)
Refer to Addendum 3 for criteria for Alaska Native Village Exemption, how villages are determined to be exempt, and the process for villages determined to be not exempt to be reconsidered for exemption status.
Community |
Exempt Months |
Akhiok |
07/97 - 04/03; 05/14 - Present |
Akiachak |
07/97- Present |
Akiak |
07/97 - Present |
Akutan |
5/03 - 03/15 |
Alakanuk |
07/97 - Present |
Alatna |
09/19 - Present |
Aleknagik |
07/97 - Present |
Algaaciq (St. Mary's) |
09/19 - Present |
Allakaket |
07/97 - 08/23 |
Alutiiq (Old Harbor) |
07/97 - 08/23 |
Ambler |
07/97 - 04/03; 05/14 - Present |
Anaktuvuk Pass |
05/03 - 08/23 |
Angoon |
07/97 - 08/19; 09/23 - Present |
Aniak |
09/20 - 08/23 |
Anvik |
07/97 - 08/19 |
Arctic Village (Venetie) |
07/97 - 04/03; 05/14 - Present |
Atka |
07/97 - 04/03; 09/23 - Present |
Atkasook (Atqasuk) |
09/19 - Present |
Atmautluak |
07/97 - Present |
Atqasuk (Atkasook) |
09/19 - Present |
Barter Island (Kaktovick) |
07/97 - 04/03; 05/14 - Present |
Beaver |
07/97 - 04/03; 05/14 - 08/20 |
Bettles Field (Evansville) |
09/23 - Present |
Birch Creek |
05/03 - Present |
Brevig Mission |
07/97 - 04/03; 03/05 - Present |
Buckland |
07/97 - Present |
Cantwell |
07/97 - 04/03; 05/14 - Present |
Changega (Chenega) |
07/97 - Present |
Chalkyitsik |
07/97 - 08/21 |
Chefornak |
07/97 - 04/03; 05/14 - Present |
Chenega (Changega) |
07/97 - Present |
Cheesh-Na Tribe (Chistochina) |
07/97 - Present |
Chevak |
07/97 - 04/03; 05/14 - 08/23 |
Chickaloon |
09/19 - Present |
Chignik Lagoon |
07/97 - 04/03; 09/19 - Present |
Chignik Lake |
07/97 - Present |
Chilkat (Klukwan) |
07/97 - Present |
Chistochina (Cheesh-Na Tribe) |
07/97 - Present |
Chitina |
07/97 - Present |
Chuathbaluk (Russian Mission) |
07/97 - 04/03; 05/14 - Present |
Circle |
07/97 - 08/23 |
Clark’s Point |
05/03 - Present |
Copper Center (Kluti Kaah) |
07/97 - 08/23 |
Council |
07/97 - 04/03 |
Crooked Creek |
07/97 - Present |
Deering |
05/03 - Present |
Diomede (Inalik) |
07/97 - 04/03; 05/14 - 08/19 |
Dot Lake |
07/97 - Present |
Eagle Village |
07/97 - Present |
Eek |
07/97 - 08/23 |
Egegik |
07/97 - 08/19 |
Ekuk |
07/97 - Present |
Ekwok |
07/97 - Present |
Elim |
07/97 - Present |
Emmonak |
07/97 - 08/23 |
English Bay (Nanwalek) |
07/97 - 04/03; 05/14 - Present |
Evansville (Bettles Field) |
09/23 - Present |
False Pass |
07/97 - 04/03 |
Fortuna Ledge (Marshall) |
07/97 - 04/03; 05/14 - Present |
Fort Yukon |
07/97 - 04/03; 05/14 - Present |
Gakona |
05/03 - Present |
Galena (Louden) |
07/97 - 04/03 |
Gambell |
07/97 - Present |
Golovin |
09/20 - 08/21 |
Goodnews Bay |
07/97 - Present |
Grayling (Holikachuk) |
07/97 - 08/23 |
Gulkana |
07/97 - 08/23 |
Healy Lake |
07/97 - 04/03; 09/23 - Present |
Holikachuk (Grayling) |
07/97 - 08/23 |
Holy Cross |
07/97 - Present |
Hoonah |
05/03 - 08/23 |
Hooper Bay |
07/97 - Present |
Hughes |
07/97 - Present |
Huslia |
07/97 - 08/23 |
Hydaburg |
07/97 - Present |
Igiugig |
05/03 - 08/19; 09/20 - 08/21; 09/23 - Present |
Iliamna | 09/19 - 08/20; |
Inalik (Diomede) |
07/97 - 04/03; 05/14 – 08/19 |
Ivanof Bay |
07/97 - 04/03; 09/20 - Present |
Kake |
07/97 - 04/03; 05/14 - 08/22; 09/23 - Present |
Kaktovik (Barter Island) |
07/97 - 04/03; 05/14 - Present |
Kalskag (Upper Kalskag) |
07/97 - 04/03; 05/14 - Present |
Kaltag |
07/97 - 08/23 |
Karluk |
12/15 - Present |
Kasaan |
07/97 - 08/23 |
Kasigluk |
07/97 - Present |
Kiana |
07/97 - Present |
Kipnuk |
07/97 - Present |
Kivalina |
07/97 - Present |
Klawock |
09/19 - 08/23 |
Klukwan (Chilkat) |
07/97 - Present |
Kluti Kaah (Copper Center) |
07/97 - 08/23 |
Kobuk |
07/97 - Present |
Kokhanok |
07/97 - Present |
Koliganek (New Koliganek) |
07/97 - 04/03; 05/14 - Present |
Kongiganak |
07/97 - 04/03; 05/14 - Present |
Kotlik |
07/97 - Present |
Koyuk |
07/97 - Present |
Koyukuk |
07/97 - 04/03; 05/14 - Present |
Kwethluk |
07/97 - Present |
Kwigillingok |
07/97 - 08/23 |
Kwinhagak (Quinhagak) |
07/97 - Present |
Larsen Bay |
07/97 - 04/03; 05/14 - Present |
Levelock |
07/97 - 08/23 |
Lime Village |
09/19 - Present |
Louden (Galena) |
07/97 - 04/03 |
Lower Kalskag |
07/97 - Present |
Manley Hot Springs |
12/15 - Present |
Manokotak |
07/97 - Present |
Marshall (Fortuna Ledge) |
07/97 - 04/03; 05/14 - Present |
McGrath |
09/23 - Present |
Mekoryuk |
07/97 - 04/03; 05/14 - Present |
Mentasta Lake |
07/97 - Present |
Metlakatla |
07/97 - Present |
Minto |
07/97 - Present |
Mountain Village |
07/97 - Present |
Naknek | 07/97 - 08/20 |
Nanwalek (English Bay) |
07/97 - 04/03; 05/14 - Present |
Napakiak |
07/97 - Present |
Napaskiak |
07/97 - 04/03; 05/14 - Present |
Nelson Lagoon |
07/97 - Present |
Nenana |
07/97 - Present |
Newhalen |
05/03 - Present |
New Koliganek (Koliganek) |
07/97 - 04/03; 05/14 - Present |
New Stuyahok |
07/97 - Present |
Newtok |
07/97 - Present |
Nightmute |
07/97 - 04/03; 09/19 - Present |
Nikolai |
07/97 - Present |
Nikolski |
07/97 - 04/03; 09/20 - Present |
Ninilchik |
07/97 - Present |
Noatak |
07/97 - 08/23 |
Nondalton |
07/97 - 08/23 |
Noorvik |
07/97 - Present |
Northway |
07/97 - Present |
Nuiqsut |
09/19 - 08/23 |
Nulato |
07/97 - Present |
Nunam Iqua (Sheldon Point) |
05/03 - 08/23 |
Nunapitchuk |
07/97 - Present |
Old Harbor (Alutiiq) |
07/97 - 08/23 |
Oscarville |
07/97 - Present |
Ouzinkie |
07/97 - 08/23 |
Pedro Bay |
09/19 - Present |
Perryville |
07/97 - Present |
Pilot Point |
07/97 - 04/03; 05/14 - Present |
Pilot Station |
07/97 - Present |
Pitkas Point |
07/97 - Present |
Platinum |
07/97 - 04/03; 05/14 - Present |
Point Hope |
07/97 - Present |
Point Lay |
09/19 - Present |
Port Graham |
07/97 - Present |
Port Heiden |
09/23 - Present |
Port Lions |
07/97 - Present |
Portage Creek |
07/97 - Present |
Quinhagak (Kwinhagak) |
07/97 - Present |
Rampart |
07/97 - 08/23 |
Red Devil |
07/97 - Present |
Ruby |
07/97 - 08/22 |
Russian Mission (Chuathbaluk) |
07/97 - Present |
Savoonga |
07/97 - Present |
Scammon Bay |
07/97 - Present |
Selawik |
07/97 - Present |
Seldovia |
07/97 - 04/03; 05/14 - Present |
Shageluk |
07/97 - 04/03; 09/19 - 08/20 |
Shaktoolik |
07/97 - 08/23 |
Shishmaref |
07/97 - Present |
Shungnak |
07/97 - Present |
Slana |
07/97 - Present |
Sleetmute |
07/97 - 08/20 |
Solomon |
07/97 - 04/03 |
South Naknek |
07/97 - Present |
St. George |
07/97 - 04/03; 05/14 - 08/19; 09/20 - 08/22 |
St. Mary's (Algaaciq) |
09/19 - Present |
St. Michael |
07/97 - Present |
St. Paul |
09/20 - Present |
Stebbins |
07/97 - Present |
Stevens Village |
07/97 - Present |
Stony River |
07/97 - 08/23 |
Takotna |
05/03 - 08/22 |
Tanacross |
07/97 - Present |
Tanana |
07/97 - 08/23 |
Tatitlek |
07/97 - Present |
Tazlina |
09/20 - 08/22 |
Telida |
07/97 - 04/03 |
Teller |
05/03 - Present |
Tetlin |
07/97 - Present |
Togiak |
07/97 - Present |
Toksook Bay |
07/97 - 04/03; 05/14 - Present |
Tuluksak |
07/97 - Present |
Tuntutuliak |
07/97 - 04/03; 05/14 - Present |
Tununak |
07/97 - Present |
Twin Hills |
07/97 - Present |
Tyonek |
07/97 - 08/23 |
Ugashik |
07/97 - Present |
Unalakleet |
09/19 - 08/20 |
Upper Kalskag (Kalskag) |
07/97 - 04/03; 05/14 - Present |
Venetie (Arctic Village) |
07/97 - Present |
Wainwright |
09/19 - 08/22 |
Wales |
07/97 - 04/03; 05/14 - 08/19 |
White Mountain |
07/97 - 08/23 |
Wrangell |
09/20 - Present |