The caretaker relative receiving Alaska Temporary Assistance (ATAPAlaska Temporary Assistance Program) must report income changes within 10 days, including when they know they will receive foster care payments. This report of change must be processed following ATAPAlaska Temporary Assistance Program policies for processing a report of change.


If there are no other dependent children except those in OCSOffice of Children's Services custody, the DPADivision of Public Assistance caseworker processes the request for ATAPAlaska Temporary Assistance Program closure (or change if other eligible children remain in the home) within 10 days of receipt of the report of change, as required by the policy.


To close or reduce Alaska Temporary Assistance benefits without notice of adverse action, the request must be in writing from the caretaker relative. If the change is at the caretaker relative's written request, only adequate notice is required to close or reduce the benefit for the Alaska Temporary Assistance case.



Refer to the Temporary Assistance policy manual, sections 711-4, 711-6, 757-7, and 791-3 for additional information on determining the TATemporary Assistance benefit and any overpayment.



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2011-01 (04/11)