The Internal Revenue Service (IRSInternal Revenue Service) has an agreement with the Department of Health to provide unearned income data on public assistance clients whose Social Security numbers match with their information. The unearned income data, such as interest from a savings account, can reveal previously unknown resources. The Division is required by law to use IRSInternal Revenue Service-matched data in determining eligibility for Temporary Assistance and Medicaid. The interface excludes households only participating in SNAPSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.


DPADivision of Public Assistance provides monthly reports containing the names and SSNSocial Security Numbers of applicants and recipients to the IRSInternal Revenue Service. The IRSInternal Revenue Service matches this information to their records and returns the matched information. Each month, the Office of Information Technology runs a job using the report to update the Eligibility Information System (EISEligibility Information System) interface, and the interface generates alerts for matches with new payment data. It provides only alerts. Inquiries are not permitted.


DPADivision of Public Assistance informs all households of the existence of this data exchange on the public assistance application form, review recertification application form, and on the back of all EISEligibility Information System notices. The IRSInternal Revenue Service information is the basis for seeking verification of past and current unreported income or resources.


The IRSInternal Revenue Service / BEERSBenefit Earnings Exchange Record System Eligibility Guide provides specific instructions for processing and safeguarding IRSInternal Revenue Service (and BEERSBenefit Earnings Exchange Record System) information. The purposes of section 106-2 is to give all staff a general overview of the process, an understanding of what will and will not appear in EISEligibility Information System records, and to meet the federal requirement to inform all DPADivision of Public Assistance staff of the penalty for unauthorized disclosure of IRSInternal Revenue Service (and BEERSBenefit Earnings Exchange Record System) interface information.




The EISEligibility Information System Security Officer controls access to the IRSInternal Revenue Service interface and only allows access by one authorized PIAProgram Integrity & Analysis employee assigned the task of processing IRSInternal Revenue Service alerts for redetermining eligibility and benefits for the Temporary Assistance and Medicaid programs. The IRSInternal Revenue Service information displays on a screen separate from all other interface information.



The Program Integrity & Analysis (PIAProgram Integrity & Analysis) and the Office of Information Technology (OITOffice of Information Technology) authorized employees must have a background check and fingerprinting completed. The background investigation is used for the sole purpose of allowing access to Federal Tax Information (FTIFederal Tax Information), not whether or not the employee is fit for employment.


Federal tax return data contained in the IRSInternal Revenue Service (and BEERSBenefit Earnings Exchange Record System) interface is highly confidential. It cannot be copied by mechanical or manual means. It cannot be printed, faxed, or sent by email. All tax return information must be kept secure for a period of five years.


Each employee with access to federal tax information must complete an annual disclosure awareness training for safeguarding federal tax information, sign the IRSInternal Revenue Service disclosure awareness statement at least once a year, and wear an identification badge or credentials.


Employees that do not have access to Federal Tax Information, but work in the same general area this information is transmitted, must also wear an identification badge or credentials.


Individuals have the right to information about their own tax records. The PIAProgram Integrity & Analysis employee authorized to review the alerts may identify the source of the match information only to the applicant or recipient (excluding the spouse), or authorized representative.


The Division of Public Assistance also may disclose IRSInternal Revenue Service (and BEERSBenefit Earnings Exchange Record System) interface information to our federal oversight agencies: the Administration for Children and Families, Food and Nutrition Services, and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Such disclosures may be made only in the course of the administration of the federally funded public assistance program. No other agencies may have access to the interface information.


At the conclusion of the eligibility and benefit redetermination, the PIAProgram Integrity & Analysis employee will destroy all records unless eligibility or the benefit changes. If the PIAProgram Integrity & Analysis employee changes the benefit or determines ineligibility on a case, they will retain electronic files in accordance with federal record retention requirements.




All Division employees must abide by the safeguarding rules set out in this section. Unauthorized disclosure of federal tax information is a felony punishable by a fine in any amount not to exceed $5,000, or imprisonment of not more than 5 years, or both, together with the cost of prosecution. Unauthorized inspection of federal tax information is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed $1,000, or imprisonment of not more than 1 year, or both, together with the costs of prosecution. Those convicted of either unauthorized inspection or disclosure would also be subject to civil penalties, which would be the greater of $1,000 for each act or the sum of the actual damages sustained by the plaintiff, plus punitive damages and the cost of the civil action.




If the IRSInternal Revenue Service information is unknown to the Division, then the PIAProgram Integrity & Analysis employee assigned to IRSInternal Revenue Service alert processing must independently verify any IRSInternal Revenue Service information that may be relevant to the federally funded programs.


When a match occurs, the authorized employee assigned to IRSInternal Revenue Service alert processing has 45 days from the "receive date" shown on the interface to obtain independent verification and complete the appropriate action. No action may be taken to suspend, deny, terminate, or reduce benefits without first providing the client with at least 10 days to verify the matched information.


The authorized employee assigned to the IRSInternal Revenue Service alert processing will make notes on the CANOCase Notes screen in EISEligibility Information System. The notes may not include the specifics of the verification research, but will indicate that he or she is following up on an IRSInternal Revenue Service alert for verification.




The applicant or recipient is responsible to respond to the request for verification and to provide the verification to the authorized employee processing the IRSInternal Revenue Service alert. If the client indicates that he or she is unable to obtain verification, then the authorized employee must require the client to complete a release of information form, and then must pursue the information.




Upon review of the verification submitted to redetermine eligibility, the authorized employee responsible for processing the IRSInternal Revenue Service alert will document the result of the redetermination on the CANOCase Notes.


106-2 G.      IRSInternal Revenue Service MATCH DENIAL/CLOSURE CODE ON EISEligibility Information System


The IRSInternal Revenue Service Interface denial/closure codes (IR or IP for IRSInternal Revenue Service, and BI or BN for BEERSBenefit Earnings Exchange Record System) will be used when denying or closing a case as a result of information received from an IRSInternal Revenue Service interface match. This includes closures for failure to provide information requested in order to verify an IRSInternal Revenue Service interface match, as well as denials or closures that result from follow-up on an alert.




The authorized employee assigned to processing IRSInternal Revenue Service alerts will complete the claim determination form. Details from the alert may not be copied or attached to the form.


106-2 I.      FRAUD REFERRAL


The authorized employee assigned to processing the IRSInternal Revenue Service alerts must attempt to obtain third party verification of IRSInternal Revenue Service match information before submitting a Fraud Complaint Report form. The specific match information will not be written on the referral form. Verification from a third party will be added to the referral.



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2022-03 (12/22)