106-1          DOL WAGE MATCH


Each month the Department of Labor (DOLDepartment of Labor) provides DPADivision of Public Assistance with a computer match of DPADivision of Public Assistance clients and DOLDepartment of Labor quarterly earnings records.


Since all employers file wage reports with DOLDepartment of Labor and IRSInternal Revenue Service on a quarterly basis, these wage matches rarely provide current wage information but will report earnings from past months. When a caseworker inquires on the wage match and finds new information, the caseworker will review past program participation to ensure that the earnings were properly reported and the client's past benefit amounts were correctly computed. The wage match may also provide information about continuing employment.




A release of information is not required prior to contacting the employer. A release of information is only required if the employer will not provide the information without it.


An individual cannot be required to sign a release of information as a condition of eligibility. The household has primary responsibility for providing documentation and verification. If an employer will not provide information without a release of information and the client refuses to sign the release, the client is responsible for providing the necessary income verification.


If the household fails to provide the requested income verification and it appears that this income would affect current month eligibility, the case can be closed for failing to provide required income verification.


106-1 B.      CLAIMS


The household will be given a reasonable opportunity to provide verification and resolve discrepancies prior to a claim determination. If the household is unable to resolve the discrepancies, the caseworker will act on the verification he or she obtained (including the wage match report), to terminate, to reduce benefits, and/or to establish a claim. If the household disagrees with the action, it may request a fair hearing.



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