106-3 SSASocial Security Administration BENEFICIARY EARNINGS EXCHANGE RECORD SYSTEM (BEERSBenefit Earnings Exchange Record System)
Under federal law, data exchange requirements and procedures for processing and safeguarding SSASocial Security Administration / BEERSBenefit Earnings Exchange Record System (earned and pension income) and IRSInternal Revenue Service (unearned income) matches are basically the same. Only the authorized PIAProgram Integrity & Analysis employee receives the BEERSBenefit Earnings Exchange Record System alerts and inquiry access is not permitted. Refer to section 106-2 for information on the procedures that also apply to processing BEERSBenefit Earnings Exchange Record System alerts. The SSASocial Security Administration match is different from the IRSInternal Revenue Service match in the following ways:
- SSASocial Security Administration provides annual earnings, pension, and self-employment data for all individuals whose SSNSocial Security Numbers are matched with the data as reported to the Internal Revenue Service on the W-2 and W-2P income statements. The information is extracted from IRSInternal Revenue Service tax files and is stored in the SSASocial Security Administration earnings record file (ERFEarnings Record File) system for a particular tax year. The ERFEarnings Record File system is updated three or four times a year.
- All requests for earnings and pension data are processed through the SSASocial Security Administration beneficiary and earnings exchange (BENDEX) system and returned to the agency on the beneficiary earnings exchange record (BEERSBenefit Earnings Exchange Record System). DPADivision of Public Assistance provides periodic tapes containing the names and SSNSocial Security Numbers of all individuals who have not been added to the SSASocial Security Administration BENDEX system. The tape includes individuals who are benefiting from Temporary Assistance and Medicaid Programs. The BEERSBenefit Earnings Exchange Record System interface excludes households who only receive SNAPSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.
- Once EISEligibility Information System adds an individual's SSNSocial Security Number to the BENDEX system for earnings information exchange, any new or updated information will generate an automatic report (BEERSBenefit Earnings Exchange Record System record) to the agency. The agency also submits a deletion record on all cases that were denied or closed after the individual was added to the BENDEX system.
- If an individual is using more than one SSNSocial Security Number, the ERFEarnings Record File and BENDEX systems have capabilities to locate all data reported for each number.
- SSASocial Security Administration data will give the authorized PIAProgram Integrity & Analysis employee leads to employment that have not been reported on the State Department of Labor wage match such as out-of-state employment and self-employment income.
- SSASocial Security Administration annual data will be available about the same time of the year as IRSInternal Revenue Service data (September).
Pension data includes both the amount of pension paid for a calendar year and the name and address of the payer of the pension.