106-3          SSASocial Security Administration BENEFICIARY EARNINGS EXCHANGE RECORD SYSTEM (BEERSBenefit Earnings Exchange Record System)


Under federal law, data exchange requirements and procedures for processing and safeguarding SSASocial Security Administration / BEERSBenefit Earnings Exchange Record System (earned and pension income) and IRSInternal Revenue Service (unearned income) matches are basically the same. Only the authorized PIAProgram Integrity & Analysis employee receives the BEERSBenefit Earnings Exchange Record System alerts and inquiry access is not permitted. Refer to section 106-2 for information on the procedures that also apply to processing BEERSBenefit Earnings Exchange Record System alerts. The SSASocial Security Administration match is different from the IRSInternal Revenue Service match in the following ways:



Pension data includes both the amount of pension paid for a calendar year and the name and address of the payer of the pension.



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