106-4          SSASocial Security Administration STATE ONLINE QUERY (SOLQState Online Query)




The State Online Query (SOLQState Online Query) interface allows authorized EISEligibility Information System users to inquire on client information maintained by the Social Security Administration (SSASocial Security Administration). The SOLQState Online Query interface provides direct online access to individual Social Security records, which the interface processes immediately and sends back an online response to the requestor.


The Department of Health (DOHDepartment of Health) under the terms and conditions of a security agreement with the Social Security Administration can use and benefit from the SOLQState Online Query as follows.


1. Approved Programs


Access to social security records through SOLQState Online Query is only allowed for determining eligibility and benefits for the following public assistance programs.




For all other public assistance programs, staff must continue to use the State Verification and Exchange System (SVESState Verification Exchange System) to request information from the Social Security Administration. Information available through SVESState Verification Exchange System is similar to that provided through SOLQState Online Query, but the response time is two to four working days. For more information on SVESState Verification Exchange System, refer to EISEligibility Information System Procedures 1999-7 Prisoner Match Information, 1997-7 New SVES Screen (Quarters of Work), and 1996-1 SVES Information.


2. General Social Security Information


The SOLQState Online Query interface will provide the following information from Social Security records.



3. RSDI Information (Title II of the Social Security Act)


The SOLQState Online Query also includes information for Social Security Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (RSDI) cases.



4. SSISupplemental Security Income Information (Title XVI of the Social Security Act)


The SOLQState Online Query contains additional information on Supplemental Security Income (SSISupplemental Security Income) cases.



  1. Current wages
  2. Self-employment
  3. Deemed Income
  4. Unearned Income




The SOLQState Online Query does not include quarters of work or prisoner match information. This information must be requested through the SVESState Verification Exchange System interface.


5. Benefits of the SOLQState Online Query Access


The SOLQState Online Query interface provides direct online access to Social Security records with many benefits.





Access to the SOLQState Online Query is controlled by a state employee's EIS User Profile. Authorized access to the SOLQState Online Query requires an employee to have the appropriate EISEligibility Information System User Profile and have completed the required web-based "SOLQ Security" training course.


To determine if an employee's EISEligibility Information System User Profile includes the SOLQState Online Query interface go to the EISEligibility Information System Inquiry Menu (INME). If the INME displays "14 State Online Query" the SOLQState Online Query interface is available on the employee's EISEligibility Information System User Profile.


The Division of Public Assistance Security Manual and the EIS Procedure 2008-1 State Online Query (SOLQ) User Guide provides information on the use of the SOLQState Online Query and the safeguarding of client information.


The terms and conditions of the SOLQState Online Query security agreement limit access and inquiries to information related to the administration of an approved program. Administration includes eligibility, supervisory and case reviews, quality assessment, and policy analysis, and for purposes of system maintenance testing.


The agreement includes DOHDepartment of Health employees in the Division of Public Assistance and employees in the Office of Children's Services responsible for determining Medicaid eligibility for children in custody.




Refer to Administrative Procedures Manual section 100-3 Confidentiality for further guidance on confidentiality and protection of client records.




All SOLQState Online Query inquiries made by users are monitored. Employees are prohibited from accessing the SOLQState Online Query and browsing Social Security records for information not related to a legitimate client case. Additional use restrictions apply when the client's Social Security information pertains to public assistance cases that include a relative or another employee. These cases must be referred to a supervisor.


An intentional SOLQState Online Query inquiry that is not required to perform activities directly related to the determination of eligibility for public assistance programs identified in Administrative Procedures Manual section 106-4 A 1. Approved Programs is a violation of both state and federal law and may result in felony prosecution.




Before accessing the SOLQState Online Query interface, employees MUST complete the web-based "SOLQ Security" training course and pass the final exam to become an Authorized SOLQ User.


A new employee with the SOLQState Online Query interface access will be referred to the Web Based SOLQState Online Query Security Training course by email. The employee must complete and pass the web-based "SOLQ Security" training course within 30 days of receiving the email or prior to accessing SOLQState Online Query, whichever comes first.


Under no circumstances is an employee to access the SOLQState Online Query prior to having completed the training and passed the final exam. Once the training is completed, the employee must provide his/her supervisor with a copy of the completed training certificate.


Documentation in EISEligibility Information System Case Note (CANOCase Notes) screen is necessary to substantiate information obtained from the SOLQState Online Query. Results of the inquiry must be documented, including the date it was accessed.


Refer to the Administrative Procedures Manual sections 103 Casefiles, 103-1 The Case File Folder, and 109 CANO Documentation for more information on documentation.




Supervisors must ensure that employees with SOLQState Online Query access complete the web-based "SOLQ Security" training course within the following guidelines. Supervisors must file complete training certifications in the employee's file.


1. Current Employees


SOLQState Online Query will be implemented in January 2008. All employees with an EISEligibility Information System User Profile with SOLQState Online Query access are required to complete and pass the web-based "SOLQ Security" training course within 90 days of the implementation date or prior to accessing SOLQState Online Query, whichever comes first.


2. New Employees


A new employee with the SOLQState Online Query interface access will be referred to the Web Based SOLQState Online Query Security Training course by email. The employee must complete and pass the web-based "SOLQ" training course within 30 days of receiving the email or prior to accessing SOLQState Online Query, whichever comes first.


106-4 G.      EISEligibility Information System PROCEDURE FOR PERFORMING SOLQState Online Query INQUIRY


Refer to EIS Procedures 2008-1 State Online Query (SOLQ) User Guide for detailed information on how to perform an SOLQState Online Query inquiry.


106-4 H.      DEFINITIONS


1. EISEligibility Information System User Profile


The Eligibility Information System (EISEligibility Information System) security is profile driven. When an individual is given an EISEligibility Information System User ID and Password, a profile is assigned. The profile defines the menus, screens, and update capability the EISEligibility Information System user is authorized to access. Not all EISEligibility Information System User Profiles have SOLQState Online Query access. Based on the individual's job functions, the Systems Operations Security Team and the employee's supervisor will determine whether a profile with SOLQState Online Query access is appropriate.


2. Authorized SOLQState Online Query User


An Authorized SOLQState Online Query User is an employee with an EISEligibility Information System User Profile that includes access to SOLQState Online Query and has completed and passed the web-based "SOLQ Security" training course and provided his/her supervisor with the course completion certification.



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2022-03 (12/22)