Processing recertifications and reviews is an integral part of effective case maintenance and workload management. After a household is determined eligible for benefits, the caseworker will assign a certification or review period. Each program has specific requirements for the length of the certification or review period, and the information needed to determine continued eligibility. Refer to the appropriate program manual for policies on recertifications and reviews.


Recertification and review forms are date stamped and registered the same day they are received in the DPADivision of Public Assistance office. All reviews and recertifications will be acted on promptly in accordance with the timeliness standards prescribed for each program. Caseworkers may not use the processing time limits as a waiting period before making a final eligibility decision or as a reason for denying or terminating assistance.


The following procedures are for processing reviews and recertifications:


  1. All Temporary Assistance, Adult Public Assistance, and Medicaid reviews must be processed within 30 days of receipt. Eligibility and benefits must be continued at previous levels until the caseworker takes an action to adjust the benefits amount or close the case with timely notice of adverse action.



TA case is certified through November 30 and a review is received on November 29. The caseworker has until December 29 to process the review. However, if the caseworker waits until that day to process the case and the report results in a decrease in benefits or case closure, both December and January benefits must be issued at the previous level due to timely notice of adverse action requirements.


  1. All SNAPSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program recertifications received by the 15th must be processed (approved or denied) by the end of the certification period.
  2. All SNAPSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program recertifications received after the 15th must be processed within 30 days.



A SNAPSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program case is certified through November 30. The recertification is received on November 16 and must be processed by December 16. SNAPSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits cannot be issued following the end of the certification period until the recertification is approved.


  1. Temporary Assistance, Adult Public Assistance, and Medicaid reviews and SNAPSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program recertifications received in the month after eligibility ends must be worked within 30 days from the date of receipt. If a client submits a GEN 72Eligibility Review Form after the end of the review or recertification period, it is registered and processed as an initial application.



SNAPSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program case is certified through November 30. The recertification is received on December 2. The case would have auto-closed effective November 30. The recertification is registered as a new application with a benefit start date of December 2. The caseworker will then determine eligibility and, if eligible, authorize benefits.


  1. If the review or recertification is received after there is a one-month break in service, a new application is required. The review or recertification is registered as a new application except for MAGIModified Adjusted Gross Income Medicaid categories. The benefit start date will be the date the review or recertification is filed, but a new application (GEN 50CApplication for Services) is required. 



A SNAPSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program recertification is due in October, but was not received. The case closes October 31. On December 10, the client submits a completed recertification form. The caseworker pends the case for a complete and signed GEN 50CApplication for Services. This example does not apply to MAGIModified Adjusted Gross Income Medicaid. Refer to MAGI Medicaid MS 806-3 for more information about renewal requirements for MAGIModified Adjusted Gross Income Medicaid.



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2022-03 (12/22)