Addendum 3
Countable and Excluded income for MAGI Medicaid
*If an individual has a Medicaid Income Qualifying Trust (Miller Trust) or Special Needs Trust, please follow ADLTC manual section 528.
*A tax dependent's countable income under the tax filing threshold is not countable. See section 818.
Type of income |
Countable for MAGI Medicaid? |
Adoption payments, subsidized |
No |
American Indian/Alaska Native payments |
No - see MS 819(D) for additional details. |
Annuity Payments |
Yes |
Alien Sponsor income |
Yes - see MS 819(C) and MS 820-6(A) for additional details. |
Child Care Stipends |
Yes - see MS 819(B) for additional details. |
Child Support |
No |
Census Income |
Yes |
Compensatory payments, court ordered |
No |
Contractual Income, such as monthly payments from sale of a house |
Yes |
Contract Work |
See MS 819(A) for additional details. |
Corporation For National and Community Service (CNCS) payments, which include AmeriCorps, VISTA , National and Civilian Corp, Foster Grandparents, the Senior Companion Program, and Retired and Senior Volunteer Corps (RSVP) |
Yes - see MS 819(B) for additional details. |
Corporation income from partnerships, estates, and S-corporations |
Yes |
Crowdfunding |
See MS 819(B12) for additional details. |
Disaster and Emergency Assistance provided by states, local governments, or disaster assistance organizations |
No |
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) |
No |
Educational Grants, Awards, Scholarships, and Loans issued under any program funded under the Title IV of the Higher Education Act or under a Bureau of Indian Affairs student assistance program |
Educational Income not funded under the Title IV Higher Education Act and Bureau of Indian Affairs Assistance | See MS 819(D)13 for additional details |
Employer Sponsored Occupational Disability payments |
No |
Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation |
No |
Estate Income |
Yes |
Flexible Health benefits |
See MS 819(A) for additional details. |
Food Stamp Hold Harmless payment |
No |
Foster Care, including Therapeutic Foster Care and boarding home payments |
No |
Gambling and lottery winnings |
See MS 819(B) for additional details. |
Garnishments |
Yes |
Gifts |
No |
Guardianship payments, subsidized |
No |
Inheritances |
No |
In-kind earned income received as compensation for services rendered, such as rent reduction in exchange for managing apartments |
Yes |
In-kind support and maintenance not in the form of money such as meals, clothing, or housing |
No |
Interim Assistance |
No |
Jury Duty payments and Witness fees |
Yes |
Jury Duty Reimbursements and per diem |
No |
Loans, including educational, personal, and commercial |
No |
Lump sum payments, non-recurring |
Yes - see MS 819(B) for additional details. |
MAAST (Mature Alaskans Seeking Training Skills) |
Yes |
Military Entitlements |
Yes - see Addendum 5 for additional details. |
Missionary Income |
Yes - see MS 819(A) for additional details. |
OCS Emergency Relief Support Program |
Yes |
PASS I, II, III Childcare |
No |
Payee Arrangements |
See MS 819(D) for additional details.
Per Diem payment from employment |
No |
Permanent Fund Dividend |
Yes - see MS 819(B) and MS 820-6(B) |
Punitive Payments, court ordered |
Yes |
Public Assistance Payments |
No |
Refugee Assistance, paid one time or monthly |
No |
Recoupments |
No |
Reimbursements |
No |
Relocation payments |
No |
Rental allowance for clergy persons/Parsonage Allowance |
No |
Rental income, including room rental |
Yes |
Retirement/pension income |
Yes |
Restitution made to Aleuts or individuals of Japanese ancestry under Public Law 100-383 |
No |
Self-employment income |
Supplemental Security Income (SSI ) |
No |
Social Security payments, excluding SSI . |
Yes - see MS 819(B) for additional details. |
Spousal Support (Alimony) |
See MS 819(B) for additional details. |
Tax returns, federal, |
No |
Tax returns, state |
Yes |
Territorial Cost of Living Allowance (TCOLA) |
See MS 819(D) for additional details. |
Trust income |
Yes |
Unemployment benefits (UIB ) |
Yes |
Vendor payments – money paid by an outside source to a third party on behalf of the household |
No |
Veterans Post-9/11 GI Bill - provides up to 36 months of education benefits |
No - see MS 819(D) for additional details. |
Veterans Disability payments to primary individual or survivor, include VA dependency and indemnity payments |
No |
Veterans retirement paid by the Department of Defense Finance and Accounting Services (DFAS) |
Yes |
Veterans Survivor benefits |
Yes |
Victims of Crime Compensation |
No |
Virtual Currency/Cryptocurrency | Yes - see MS 819(A) for additional details |
Vocational Rehabilitation from a state or Veteran program |
No |
Wages, including salaries, bonuses, commissions, tips, overtime, severance, and gratuities. This includes an SSI recipient’s wages. |
Yes - see MS 819(A) for additional details. |
Workers' Compensation |
No |
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), such as the Summer Youth Employment and Training Program, and Job Corps |
See MS 819(B) for additional details. |
Work Study |
No |
This chart is not comprehensive. For questions regarding income types, please email