The Job Start program allows a client to receive a paycheck rather than an ATAPAlaska Temporary Assistance Program benefit. DPADivision of Public Assistance subsidizes the client's wages by providing their monthly ATAPAlaska Temporary Assistance Program benefit to the employer. The Job Start program allows the client to gain valuable work experience while not using any countable months toward their 60-month lifetime limit during the job start placement. 


Work Services case managers will submit a CANOCase Note describing the terms of the Job Start (i.e., employer, start date, end date, hourly wage, etc.) following CANOCase Note guidelines in Admin MS 109-10 and make the request to place the client in "refused cash" status.


The eligibility technician places a case in refused cash status when a client begins a Job Start placement and ends refused cash status when the Job Start placement ends, see MS 1005-5 and ATAP MS 759-7 B.



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