Negotiated Job Development (NJD) is a series of activities which culminates in the creation of a successful employment relationship that is mutually beneficial to the employer and job seeker. Differing from the traditional labor market work search, the goal is to negotiate a position rather than pursue posted employment recruitment notices. During the Employment Planning Meeting (EPM), potential employers are identified based on a likely match to the job seeker’s skills, interests, contributions and conditions. At the NJD phase the job seeker is presented to employers through meetings to introduce the negotiated employment strategy, present the job seeker’s Portfolio, understand an employer’s business needs and ultimately create a job unique to the business’ needs and the job seeker. These meetings are most often held at targeted employment sites. The Job Developer (JD) is responsible for representing the client.  Multiple employment sites may be approached during NJD simultaneously in order to maximize potential for a successful negotiated employment opportunity.

The JD works collaboratively with the Work Services Case Manager (WSCM), the job seeker, the Family Support Team (FST), and the Discovery Specialist (DS). Negotiated Job Development is initiated at the point of the Employment Planning Meeting (EPM) which is composed of key members of the job seeker’s FST. It is through the JD’s participation in the EPM that he/she becomes well acquainted with the job seeker’s areas of work interest, contributions and conditions. The EPM is an intensive process that results in a determination of what type of negotiation and level of representation the job seeker needs. In addition, the EPM culminates in a comprehensive Employment Plan from which the JD uses to navigate through job negotiation. The JD meets with the WSCM from the time of the EPM through the follow-up phase after a job position is achieved in order to keep abreast of the job seeker’s progress and needs.


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