1. The JD prepares to present the Portfolio to multiple employers guided by the Employment Plan.

    1. The JD selects and prepares to present a Portfolio that is representative of the job seeker and the best match to 3 primary interest areas (i.e., office or retail work). The Portfolio must be revised or tailored to specific employers, similarly to a resume.

      1. The JD selects a client/job seeker’s Portfolio that is the best match to a potential employer.

      2. The JD confirms selection of the Portfolio with the client/job seeker and agrees on particular elements to highlight during the presentation to potential employers.

    1. The JD prints the Portfolio for the employer, prior to presentation.

      1. Print 1 copy of the Portfolio to present formally to the potential employer. Compile in a presentation binder, including talking points.

      2. Print 2nd copy of the Portfolio (excluding talking point pages) to leave with the employer, should they show interest in pursuing a negotiated job position and/or customized employment.

      3. Print the front page (with client/job seeker’s photo) and the “Task” page. Attach these two pages and leave with the employer in case of indicated interest.

      4. The JD reviews the client/job seeker’s Portfolio prior to meeting with employers.

  1. The JD presents the Portfolio to employers.

Typically the client/job seeker’s Portfolio is presented after the Business Needs Assessment (part of the same visit, or a second meeting). However, in some cases it may be presented during the introductory/orientation meeting with a new employer.

    1. The JD must present the Portfolio to ensure privacy, confidentiality and a setting conducive to encouraging conversation.

    2. Ask the employer representative to invite others involved in employment decisions to be present.

    3. Consider timing in presenting the Portfolio. The Portfolio is presented when the employer would benefit from knowing more about the client/job seeker. Typically the full Portfolio is presented after the Employer Presentation. The Portfolio presentation may assist the employer in determining business needs, prior to the Business Needs Assessment.

    4. Ensure that the presentation of the Portfolio is an opportunity for the employer to ask questions about the client/job seeker.

    5. Write down employer needs expressed during Portfolio presentation, to be used at later point in the negotiation process.


See more detailed information on Portfolio development and presentation in the Portfolio training materials.


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