1. The designated EPM Facilitator carries out the following tasks to begin the EPM (note: it is important to start the meeting on time, as it typically takes about 2.5 hours):

    1. Greet and carry out introduction of attendees.

    2. Roles/Expertise of each attendee, including the job seeker. Note the job seeker’s role in determining what is recorded.

    3. Refer to written, standard ground rules for the meeting and any revisions made unique to the job seeker. 

    4. Explain the purpose and process of the meeting.

    5. Go over housekeeping – parking, restrooms, refreshments, taking breaks, how to use the post-it notes.

    6. Explain the use of the wall paper and how one flows to the next wall paper.

    7. Reiterate speaking in positive tones with respect to all attendees. 

  1. Following introductions, the EPM Facilitator reviews (reads highlights) the job seeker’s Profile with meeting attendees and provides guidance in using the Profile to identify ideas to contribute during each step of the meeting.

  2. The Facilitator of the EPM reviews the components/activities on the wall paper (see “steps” below) and explains to attendees that the EPM follows a very specific format that leads to development of the Employment Plan.

  3. The EPM Facilitator is responsible for completing each EPM step.

  4. The note taker records information on the wall paper, once confirmed as accurate by the job seeker.

  5. Components/Activities:

Step 1—  What Works/What Doesn’t:

This activity is intended as an ice breaker led by the Facilitator. The attendees input towards  “What Works/What Doesn’t” sets the tone for the meeting, emphasizing the importance of the role of the job seeker in approving all information recorded on the wall paper. Information for all components of the meeting is generated and drawn from the personal knowledge of meeting attendees and a review of the Profile.

Step 2 – Characteristics of the Ideal Job / Conditions:

The EPM Facilitator asks the job seeker and attendees to describe characteristics of the job seeker’s ideal job in terms of conditions. Conditions refer to issues such as days of work, benefits, pay, job location, work hours, etc. “go/no go” conditions are targeted.

Step 3 – Characteristics of the Ideal Job / Interests:

The EPM Facilitator asks the job seeker and attendees to describe areas of work interests. Examples of interests may include office work, working with children, or working in a retail setting. Interests are not to be confused with preferences. Avoid using job titles.

Step 4 – Characteristics of the Ideal Job / Contributions:

The EPM Facilitator asks the job seeker and attendees to describe and list the job seeker’s contributions to an employment situation. Contributions include personality characteristics, skills, education, credentials, volunteer and work experiences. Lastly, attendees are asked to identify people who can act as references or recommend the job seeker to a potential employer. 

Step 5 – Tasks:

This component is the most time consuming task at the EPM. The EPM Facilitator asks the job seeker and attendees to identify the types of job tasks that can be performed by the job seeker,  that are needed in the local area, and that meet the job seeker’s ideal characteristics. Tasks are listed as Current Skills (any work-related performance activity that the job seeker can currently perform without support). The second list of tasks is Potential Tasks (referring to any work-related performance activity that the job seeker should reasonably be expected to perform at work with training, supports or accommodations). Categorize by interest areas to facilitate the flow of ideas from attendees.

Step 6 – Employers / Task / Person to Contact:

The final component leading to a completed employment plan is to develop an employer list. The EPM Facilitator uses what has been developed on the wall paper and solicits the help of meeting attendees to match specific employers to the job seeker’s task/interest areas. Attendees of the meeting may act as “door openers” to make initial contact or introduction with the employer contact. This document becomes the employer call list. The EPM Facilitator asks the job seeker to preferentially select employers to contact first and to rank the list.

  1. Finalize the Employment Plan as a team with the job seeker’s full approval.


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