1024-1           PREPARING FOR THE EPM

  1. The WSCM coordinates with the job seeker to explain the purpose of the EPM and discuss scheduling.

    1. The WSCM and the job seeker collaboratively develop a list of EPM invitees. Those invited include those who know and support the job seeker, as well as those who can assist with negotiated job development. Minimum attendance includes the job seeker, the WSCM, the DS, the JD, and a natural support.

    2. The Case Manager and the job seeker select several possible meeting dates and times. The Case Manager follows up by coordinating the meeting to ensure high attendance. 

    3. The Case Manager secures a location that allows for space for use of an easel and wall paper visible to all in attendance. A formal or professional setting that sets a business tone, is preferred.

    4. The Case Manager ensures the proper quantity of supplies for the EPM. Supplies needed:

      1. Sign-in sheet for all attendees

      2. Updated ROIs

      3. Markers –multiple colors for writing ideas and plans on wall paper

      4. One large pad of wall paper

      5. Post-it note pads

      6. Note paper and pens/pencils for attendees

      7. Extra copies of the Profile

Optional comfort items: Some items may be desired to have on hand at the EPM, but are optional, and therefore paid for by and at the discretion of meeting attendees. Items may include:

  1. The Case Manager sends out meeting invitations approximately 2 weeks ahead of the agreed upon meeting date and time. The purpose of the meeting and role of attendees should be explained to invitees.

  2. The Case Manager sends out meeting reminders and confirms attendance.

  3. The Case manager must record the scheduling of the EPM, and reminders as CLNOs.

  4. The Case Manager ensures ROI’s are current and include all        attendees of EPM.

  5. The DS provides the Case Manager a copy of Profile Part III and the Case Manager copies the Profile III as a CLNO, then distributes it, along with communication ground rules to confirmed attendees for review ahead of the EPM.

  6. The Case Manager collaborates with the DS to schedule a meeting with the job seeker to prepare for the EPM. At this meeting they (all is recorded as a CLNO)

    1. Review Profile parts I, II, and III. As necessary, Discovery notes may also be reviewed. The DS clarifies any information from these documents.

    2. Review job seeker’s role, including communication “signals” that indicate when the job seeker needs a break, disagrees/agrees with what is recorded, or needs to speak with the Discovery Specialist or Case Manager.

    3. Select who will facilitate the meeting. It is advised that the individual who knows the job seeker best, be the facilitator. A note taker should also be designated.

    4. The Case Manager reviews the agenda and general flow of the meeting: (See more detailed description of each EPM component under IV, F):

      1. What Works/What Doesn’t

      2. Conditions

      3. Interests

      4. Contributions

      5. Tasks

      6. Employers / Task / Person to Contact

    1. Review the standard communication ground rules for the EPM. Revise and incorporate input from the job seeker about additional rules specific to their personal communication style and unique needs.


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