1. The FST considers a referral for Discovery in advance of the Quarterly Review (see Non-Emergency Consultation Request Procedure).

    1. When Discovery referral is initially discussed at an FST meeting, the CM must explain the Discovery process to the client.

Consideration of referral for Discovery will be based on the client’s ability to enter the work force. Not all clients will need Discovery as a means to employment. For example, following the effort of their FST, some clients may be able to pursue a competitive work search or be eligible for supported employment through job development services.

Basic criteria to consider when making a Discovery referral

Through FST meetings it is not easily identifiable why the client can’t obtain or maintain a job. For example, the client may present with (not all inclusive):

      1. Scattered employment (ex: gaps, multiple changes, focus of type/area of work)

      2. Chronic history of work dissatisfaction (may be shown by history of work termination)

      3. Work interest unclear, or interests do not match client’s abilities/skills, or experience

      4. Specific work challenges/needs must be identified (ex: distracted by noises)

      5. Skills appear limited, unclear or the client performs inconsistently

      6. Discrepancy between the client and employer’s evaluation of work performance

(See example Discovery referral scenarios at the end of this section)

    1. The FST as a whole agrees to proceed with Discovery referral following Consultation Request Procedures.

    2. The CM must note the FST’s consideration in a CLNO (include note as part of regular FST meeting notes).

  1. After the completion of the Non-Emergency Consultation Request Procedure and the Consultation Request has been approved for Discovery, the Families First Facilitator (FFF) is responsible for initiating the Discovery process.

    1. The FFF documents approval for Discovery and informing the CM via both e-mail and CMS, as a CLNO entry.

    2. The FFF assigns a DS to the client and informs the CM of the DS assignment, including the DS’ contact information.

  1. The FFF works collaboratively with the CM to coordinate an introductory meeting and transition the client to Discovery, ensuring that the referred client understands the process and expectations of Discovery, as well as the basic steps: Discovery, Profile, Portfolio, Employment Planning, and Negotiated Job Development.

    1. The CM must contact the client within 2 business days of the approval for Discovery to inform them regarding the initiation of Discovery, and to explain the basic Discovery process/steps. The CM documents this contact as a CLNO.

    2. The FFF works with the CM to coordinate and schedule an introductory Discovery meeting selecting a date, time and place that meets the client/family’s needs and takes place within 2 weeks of Discovery approval. The attendees of this meeting include the CM, the client, and the DS.

    3. The FFF works collaboratively with the CM to contact the client and the DS to confirm attendance at the introductory Discovery meeting, including meeting reminders just prior to the scheduled meeting. The FFF documents this contact as a CLNO.

    4. The CM will prepare for the initiation of Discovery by transferring information from the EPI, the Family Network, and the Weekly Routines/Calendar to the Profile Part I (to both electronic and hard copy files).

    5. The CM creates a packet for the DS including a current, up-to-date Family Network, a current up-to-date Weekly Routines/Calendar, Profile Part I (partially completed), and current release of information forms (ROIs).


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