For a client to qualify for Discovery service referral, the following must happen:

  1. The Work Services client must be identified under the FFWS track.

  2. The CM must:

    1. Conduct the Employability Assessment using conversational interviewing techniques to obtain a full picture of the client and their family circumstances based on the completion of the Employment Planning Information form (EPI), the Family Network,  and the Weekly Routines/Calendar. The Employability Assessment results in completion of the Initial Family Self-Sufficiency Plan (FSSP). If the Alaska Screening Tool (AST) results are available they are incorporated into the FSSP.

    2. Establish the FST. Facilitate no less than 2 FST meetings to review the Family Network, Weekly Routines/Calendar, and develop an action plan for creating manageable services. Develop an IFSSP based on the FST’s action plan.

    3. The FST has assisted in efforts to establish stability of the family’s circumstances and assessed that the client and family’s life is manageable and stabilized to allow the client to engage in both Discovery and work-related activities.


A client is not typically referred for Discovery prior to their first Quarterly Review.


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