1. Following assignment to the FFWS track, the case manager must complete a comprehensive intake, including the Employability Assessment that subsequently contributes to the completion of the FFWS client’s initial FSSP, under the FFWS track. The initial FSSP must be completed by the case manager within 30 days of assignment to the FFWS track (WSPM Section 1008). The completion of the Employability Assessment requires that the case manager work with the client collaboratively to develop the Family Network and the Weekly Routines/Calendar as tools to augment information recorded in the EPI, and other notes from conversational interviewing. These tools guide both FST member selection and the initial meeting agenda.

    1. The case manager will complete the Family Network with the client (see materials provided through Families First Work Services training) as a tool for identifying the individuals the client has regular contact with. These may include potential paid agency supports (i.e., social workers, counselors, and teachers), and unpaid natural supports (i.e., family, friends, neighbors, clergy and advocates).

    2. The individuals/agencies identified using the Family Network are considered potential FST members. The case manager confirms with the client which individuals he/she would select as an FST member. The case manager may encourage selection of an FST member, if that individual may provide input that impacts family stability and/or ability to move towards greater self-sufficiency. The participation and membership of any FST member is ultimately at the discretion of the client.

    3. The case manager will complete the Weekly Routines/Calendar (no attachment, no form – see Work Services training materials) with the client to identify complexities, competing priorities and activities, and potential service gaps/needs. Such information will be used at the introductory and future FST meetings to address as part of meeting agendas (see Work Services training materials).

    4. The case manager must ensure that any written information gained from completing the Family Network and Weekly Routines/Calendar is incorporated in the Employability Assessment and that the Network, Calendar and accompanying notes are documented as attachments to the EPI in the client’s hard copy file.

    5. The case manager must complete the FFWS client’s initial FSSP within 30 days of assignment to the FFWS track (WSPM Section1008) based on all information gathered as part of the Employability Assessment (i.e., the EPI, the Family Network, the Weekly Routines/Calendar and additional notes from conversational interviewing). The initial FSSP is required to contain a stated plan for establishing the client’s FST (targeted range of dates by m/d/y) and carrying out the first FST meeting (targeted m/d/y). The FFWS client’s first FST meeting must occur no later than 60 days from the date of the initial FSSP, following assignment to the FFWS service track.

  2. It is the responsibility of the case manager to establish the FST by identifying membership, as well as to coordinate and facilitate the introductory and all subsequent FST meetings on behalf of the client and their family members. Ongoing communication between the case manager and FST members is an expectation under the FFWS model of service delivery.

    1. It is required that the introductory FST meeting be coordinated and conducted by the case manager no later than 60 days from the date of the initial FSSP, following assignment of the client to the FFWS service track.

    2. Any and all communication with potential and identified FST members regarding the planning and coordination of FST meetings must be documented by the case manager as a CLNO. Such communication methods used by the case manager must include, but are not limited to phone exchanges, voicemail/recorded messages, postal letters and notices, e-mail, text messages and hand-delivered notes and announcements.

    3. Prior to any communication between the case manager and potential and identified FST members, the case manager must ensure DHSS confidentiality standards are adhered to (WSPM Attachment XIII).

  3. Initial contact between the case manager and the FST

    1. The case manager must request blank release of information forms (ROIs) from each agency represented on the FST, including DHSS’ form.

    2. The case manager must meet with the client to explain the purpose of release forms and assist them in understanding the content of each form prior to obtaining their signature. ROIs must be completed according to each agency’s policies/procedures. If allowed, a single ROI may cover communication between multiple FST members, including natural supports.

    3. The case manager must send a copy of the ROI to the potential FST member and/or agency representative agency. The original is filed in the client’s Work Services file.

  1. The case manager orients FST members to the FST process and purpose, including the fact that each member of the FST is an equal contributor to decision-making and service planning. The client holds decision-making authority; decisions are made with the family, not for the family.

    1. The case manager must contact potential FST members to invite them to participate on an FST on behalf of a FFWS client. Such invitation includes offering to carry out an introductory meeting between the case manager and the potential FST member to orient them to FST guidelines and ground rules for communication. It is advised that the phone call and meeting be carried out at minimum, 3 weeks in advance of the first introductory FST meeting including the full team.

    2. The case manager may request that the FFF attend introductory meetings with any new FST member. The case manager may likewise, request that the client attend any introductory or orientation meeting with a potential FST member.

    3. The case manager must ensure all new FST members receive a written copy of FST guidelines and ground rules for communication.

    4. The case manager must document all FST contacts and meeting invitations as CLNOs.


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