Work Services encompasses both WF and FF tracks. Work Services provides ongoing case management and services for clients working toward self-sufficiency. Services include the Employability Assessment, FSSP or IFSSP development, job club, job referrals, assignment to activities and Supportive Services. Both Work Services tracks are expected to make referrals to community resources ( housing, child care, behavioral health assessment, domestic violence, and other services to mitigate challenges to self-sufficiency). The level and type of services provided to families is based on an assessment of their capacity to work and the type and frequency of supports they need. (WSPM Section 1003)

Work Services is expected to include referral to community resources for housing, child care, behavioral health assessment, domestic violence, and other services to mitigate challenges to self-sufficiency. The level and type of services provided to families is based on a mutual assessment of their capacity to work and the type and frequency of supports they need to become self-sufficient.


All families that apply for ATAP and include a parent will be referred immediately to a Work Services provider. Families that are determined eligible for ATAP will continue to work with Work Services providers. Every adult who is included in an ATAP assistance unit must develop, sign and comply with a Family Self-Sufficiency Plan (WSPM Section 1008). Most adult recipients of ATAP benefits are considered ”work eligible” and are required to participate in work and/or other activities. These activities are identified on their FSSP as steps towards increasing their self-sufficiency. (ATAP Manual Sections 711-1 & 711-2)


Parents of children receiving ATAP are required to also be in their child’s case unless otherwise excluded from the program. These cases that include only children are called “child-only” or “adult not included” cases. Parents are excluded from an ATAP case if they are disabled and receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). Some cases do not include a parent because the children are not living with them. Non-needy caretaker relatives are not included in the ATAP case and are not mandatory participants for Work Services.

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