1016-3           WORK FIRST STAFFINGS

Quarterly Review Staffings will continue as long as clients are receiving benefits.

A. Quarterly Staffing Steps for Work First

The following are required steps expected when conducting a staffing:

  1. Months will be counted by the TANF  Benefit Month Used Report available on Document Direct. Staffings will be held on months 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, and 57.

  1. Complete and well documented information is required and will be collected during ongoing monthly meetings with the client. The information will be documented in CLNO s.

  1. All documentation will be reviewed by the case manager prior to the staffing for the client’s history and for accuracy and completion.

  1. One month prior to the staffing the date and time will be discussed with the client. Whenever possible, the date will be based on the client’s availability. 5. At least 2 weeks prior to the scheduled date of the staffing the client will be sent a notice of the date and time. This notice will include:

  1. the number of months of ATAP  used; and

  1. A blank hard copy of the Family Quarterly Progress Report, Part A: Client Self Report (Form WS100a), will be sent as well.

B. Work First Staffing Team

The staffing team will include:

1. Client- Clients will be encouraged to attend. This encouragement will include case managers assisting clients with addressing any barriers to their attendance. Case managers should be flexible in terms of scheduling and location. If the client is not able to participate in-person, the staffing may be done telephonically. The exercise of due diligence appropriate to the assigned track to engage the client must be demonstrated and documented.

2. Case manager- will facilitate and document the staffing.

3. Optional attendees- the client may include any family, friend or other agency staff they would like to participate; the case manager may invite their supervisor or DPA Work Services staff as appropriate.

C. Work First Quarterly Staffing Documentation

Quarterly Review Staffings will include documentation in CLNO (Form WS100b) that the following was discussed:

  1. Number of TANF months used;

  1. Circumstances necessary to address in order to assist the family with exiting the Temporary Assistance program;

  1. Plan to address any circumstance which impedes the family’s progress toward their self sufficiency goal, including use of Supportive Services and referrals;

  1. Client’s employment goal, and steps they have identified and agreed to take to reach their goal and achieve self sufficiency;

  1. Recommendations of the Staffing team regarding the FSSP, and rationale for the client to remain on the assigned track or be referred to the designated Field Work Services Project Assistant for a consultation; and,

  1. A synopsis of prior reviews including but not limited to the following:

  1. The services the family has been referred to and received;

  1. The history of assigned activities;

  1. The family’s budget information; and,

  1. When applicable, information from the DPA eligibility technician and other service providers, agencies or organizations which have worked with the family.

This is the basis for future services to be provided to the client and ensures their FSSP goals and steps are effective and alternative strategies have been discussed, considered and implemented.

The documentation will be in CLNOs with reference to any hard copy attachment in the file.

D. Next Steps and Family Self-Sufficiency Planning

If the client is not engaged in full time work activities which are consistent with their self-sufficiency goals (FSSP), case managers are required to work with the client to assess the challenges and strategize alternative approaches to successfully meeting the goals.

  1. A new FSSP will be developed.  If a new FSSP is not written clearly, documentation of why it is in the best interest of the client to continue with the existing FSSP must be done. The documentation of discussion with the client regarding the development of employment goals will be included.

If by the end of the 2nd quarter case staffing review the client is not making significant progress on their goals or has not engaged in countable full time activities, when access to activities has been made available the client will be referred to the Families First track.


Clients in rural and remote communities may not make progress towards self-sufficiency due to a lack of work opportunity or services needed to increase ability to participate. Lack of progress due only to lack of opportunity and access, in the absence of other life complexities, is not sufficient cause to move the client from Work First to Families First.

The designated Field Work Services Project Assistant  will evaluate whether a transfer to the Families First Work Service (FFWS) track is appropriate.

  1. If changing tracks, complete Consultation Request Form per instructions (WSPM Section 1005).

The following information will be clearly documented:

  1. Reasons/ rationale staffing team made the decision to recommend transferring track;

  2. If client is remaining on WF track document what recommendations for employment strategies and services were made by the FFF, and staffing team; and,

  1. Plan for implementation of recommendations.


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MC #5 (06/15)