Family Quarterly Progress Reports are required for all clients each quarter as part of the staffing.

      1. Family Quarterly Progress Report - Part A

Form WS100a  the Client Self Report, can be printed to allow the client to complete as a hard copy. The hard copy is to be in the hard file; a CLNO which details the results of the discussion of the client’s self assessment will be in CMS. 

The questions on this report seek responses of Never, Occasionally, Sometimes, Often, Almost Always or Not Applicable. 

The responses may be determined based on the ratio of frequency needed versus the frequency the statement is accurate. 

Consider the following:

Never Occasionally Sometimes Often Almost Always Not Applicable
0% 1% - 29% 30% - 59% 60% - 89% 90% - 100% 0/0

Have a need, but no access to the resource.


Was referred but accessed the service 0 out of any times/days needed

Something needed daily in a single month or completed 1-3 of 9 times needed (something needed twice a week)

Have a need and accesses the resources about one third to half of the time:

3-5 of 7 times(something needed daily in a week or twice a week for a month)e that person was not availalbe ction.  The client may share that , or 6-8 of 14 (something needed every other day) times needed

Have a need and accesses the resources 10-12  of 16 times needed Have a need and accesses the resources 9-10 of 10 times Do not need the resource.


Examples of Rating Questions for Part A

        1. I have reliable transportation that gets me and my family to where we need to go – to work, school, grocery store, doctor and to friends and family.






Almost Always

Not Applicable

A client may answer “occasionally” if they have transportation resources, but they rely on someone else and must abide by that person’s schedule to meet their family’s needs.

For each rating, the case manager will note the circumstances that lead the client to that selection.  The client may share that they have to check with the person who provides transportation before they can commit to appointments.  Perhaps they have missed a few appointments because that person was not available to assist with transportation. 

        1. My children and I are safe at home and in our community – not threatened or in danger of harm. 






Almost Always

Not Applicable


If a family feels safe about half of the time, the case manager may be able to assist in identifying strategies to be safe.  Is there an abusive relationship?  Is the neighborhood or housing complex safe? It is important that the case manager take time to carefully review the client’s responses to the questions to ensure that essential needs such as safety, transportation and housing are met.


      1. Family Quarterly Progress Report - Part B

Form WS100b, the Family Quarterly Progress Part B: Case Manager Report, should indicate the frequency that each question is true or accurate.  The case manager may need to call other service providers working with the family to get an accurate accounting of the client’s progress. 

      1. Family Quarterly Progress Report – Part C

Form WS100b, Part C: Access to Services, is used to identify new referrals to community resources.  For each service selected, the case manager will identify:

        1. the service;

        2. Services Provider (agency and/or provider name);

        3. Referred by: the person who made the referral; and,

        4. the referral date. 

At the staffing the case manager will confirm:

        1. whether the client has accessed the service (have they completed an intake or appointment); if not,

        2. are they scheduled for an intake or appointment, if they are scheduled, is their appointment greater than or less than 45 days away; and,

        3. finally, if it is more than 45 days away, is the service available in the community (perhaps through another provider) within 90 days. 


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