The same process will be followed as section 1016-A. WORK FIRST STAFFINGS, with the inclusion of all necessary supports; both agency as well as natural supports (neighbors, clergy, or friends who know the family and are willing to offer support) will be included.

The FF quarterly staffing may include contributions from the Family Support Team member.

The new FSSP will be an Informed Family Self-Sufficiency Plan (IFSSP). (WSPM Section 1008).


      1. Prior to the Staffing, the case manager and client will discuss who should be included from the Family Support Team (FST), as appropriate to the case.

      2. Staffings may include:

        1. The Case Management supervisor/lead worker;

        2. DPA Eligibility Technician;

        3. A social worker;

        4. Any individual identified by the client as part of their natural support system;

        5. Representatives from other agencies the client is working with, such as public housing, health care, behavioral health, or vocational rehab; and,

        6. Members of the client’s FST. If they cannot participate, it is the Case Manager’s responsibility to ensure that any FST member unable to attend is given the opportunity to provide input.  Adequate documentation must be in the client’s file.

      3. The case manager is responsible for inviting and facilitating participation of all identified parties; the client may assist with invitation to members of their natural support system.

      4. The Case Manager will demonstrate flexibility in scheduling the staffing to reasonably accommodate participation.

      5. All activities will be documented to show due diligence.


      1. The Case Manager prepares a Quarterly Review Staffing narrative which documents the circumstances that have been identified as necessary to assist the family in exiting the Temporary Assistance program.

      2. The narrative will record the recommendations of the Staffing team regarding the Informed FSSP, and provide rationale for the client to remain on the FF track. This is the basis for future services to be provided to the client and their family and ensures their IFSSP goals and steps are effective and alternative strategies have been discussed, considered and implemented.

The narrative will include but is not limited to the following:

        1. Dates of FST meetings, attendance at meetings;

        2. Outcomes from meetings;

        3. The services the family has been referred to and received;

        4. The history of assigned activities;

        5. The household budget. A complete budget should only be done at initial staffing or if a significant change in circumstance has occurred (any event which requires submission of a Report of Change to the Eligibility Team). A discussion of any progress on reduction of expenses or earnings progression is adequate; information from the DPA eligibility technician on benefits may be included;

        6. Discussion of TANF months used;

        7. Information relevant to progress on partner plans or other issues that impact self-sufficiency from other service providers, agencies or organizations which have worked with the family;

        8. Copies of applicable screenings and assessments, and the Informed Family Self-Sufficiency Plan (IFSSP); and,

        9. Review of client’s calendar.

The documentation will be in the client CLNOs with reference to any hard copy attachment in the file.


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MC #5 (06/15)