To achieve self-sufficiency many clients progress differently, and at different rates. Documenting each step of success is required. All forms, assessments and evaluation tools will be provided by or must be approved by DPA.

Any forms developed by an agency, must be first approved, in writing, by DPA before being put into use.

Required documents and forms (tools) used to appropriately support clients on achieving self-sufficiency are:

        • Initial Tracking Tool (ITT)  – this tool is administered by the DPA Eligibility Office at the time the client is requesting benefits. A Case manager should not need to administer this tool. 

        • Employment Planning Information (EPI)  - this tool is used by a CM  to determine and acknowledge the capacity of the client to get to work.


        Filling out an EPI does not mean that an Employability Assessment has been completed.

        • Alaska Screening Tool (AST) (Attachment VIII) – The Alaska Screening Tool (AST) was developed by DHSS’ Division of Behavioral Health and is conducted by a Behavioral Health Clinician/Specialist.

Upon implementation all ATAP families referred to the Families First Work Services (FFWS) track must be referred for the screening early during the Employability Assessment process. The AST screens for behavioral health, safety and other complexities. To continue in the FFWS track each FFWS client must complete the screening within 30 days of referral to FFWS. The results of the AST enhances the Employability Assessment, identifies potential service referral, and contributes to the formation and goals of the FFWS client’s Family Support Team (FST) (WSPM Section 1021).


Work Services Providers will be informed when the referral process is an expectation.  It is not required at this time. 

        • Consultation Request (Attachment WS120)  – The CM completes a Consultation Requests when a determination is made that the client’s  needs are better met through the alternate service track or with a specialized service.  See WSPM Section 1005 for additional details.

        • Family Network for Families First - The Family Network is a tool used to identify the family’s typical routines and obligations.  The conversation about the network can help to identify community and natural supports to include in the Family Support Team.  See (Attachment XII) for a template of the Family Network.  This activity leads directly to the completion of the family’s calendar.

        • Weekly Routines/Calendar for Families First - Using the supports and obligations identified when developing the Family Network, the case manager and client will complete a calendar showing the family’s typical appointments and obligations.   The calendar is used to identify appropriate activity timeframes and reduce the possibility of appointments that conflict or are duplicative services.

        • Release of Information - Releases of Information are required to ensure client confidentiality. Administrative Manual Sections 100-3, 100-8, and 105-8). Case Managers will work with their partner agencies to confirm the most appropriate release to use given the client’s situation.

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MC #4 (03/15)