Department of Health and Social Services

Division of Public Assistance





MANUAL:  Alaska Temporary Assistance Program


DATE:  April 1, 2011


We are making several changes to incorporate new policy, clarify existing policy and align policies within our program policy manuals. These changes include:



Other changes are either technical in nature or clarifications that are the result of policy questions or suggestions from the field.


Highlights to policy revisions are described below.  If you have any questions please contact the Policy and Program Development Team at 465-3382 or email




MS 717 -4 A.  What is non Cooperation


MS 717-4 C.  Failure to Complete a Child Support Form


MS 722  Job Refusal of Job Quit


MS 739  Work: Supportive Service Payments


MS 752-4  Cash on Hand and Other Countable Resources

MS 753-6 Other Exclusions


MS 754-2 Non-Recurring Lump Sum


MS 754-3  Conversion of a Resource


MS 754-9  Land, Stock, and Payments Made to Native Americans


MS 757-19  Non-Recurring Lump Sum Payments


MS 758-5 C  Payments to Native Americans


MS 759-6 E  Budgeting Self Employment Income


MS 760-2 B  Earned Income Disregard


MS 770-3A 1  Definitions


MS 790-8 D Late Submission of Review Form