732-1          FAMILIES FIRST




Families First is the DPA service delivery mechanism for increased collaborative services and customized employment strategies for ATAP families. DPA has recognized that greater than 50% of ATAP families have been co-enrolled in multiple DHSS services including Children’s Services, Juvenile Justice and Behavioral Health.   Many of these families also rely on a variety of community resources to meet their needs.  Providers often are unaware of the requirements of the other agencies. Each agency the family receives services from may have different program requirements.  Families may be asked to choose between meeting the expectations of one agency and not being able to meet the expectations of another, which can result in loss of services or benefits.   


Families First is a partnership between the ATAP family members and the agency representatives serving them to establish priorities and make collaborative decisions regarding the direction of services and planning for self-sufficiency.


Families First uses a Customized Employment model to support ATAP families who have experienced challenges reaching self-sufficiency through Work First.




Customized Employment is a strategy that provides participants with life complexities and other significant challenges to getting and keeping a job with an alternative to traditional competitive work search. Customized employment individualizes the employment relationship between employees and employers in ways that meet the needs of both.  It is based on an individualized determination of the strengths, needs and interests of the participant and is also designed to meet the specific needs of the employer. This approach to employment supports all participants with life complexities who wish to work into a job that fits the needs of the participant and the employer.   


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MC #25 (09/09)