Every applicant must be provided with adequate written notice of the action taken on the application. Adequate notice means that the individual is informed of the action taken, the reasons for the action, and the manual sections from the appropriate program policy manual that supports the action.




An approval notice must be sent to the family following a determination of eligibility. Except when the application is delayed as described below, approved families must receive benefits no later than 30 days after the application filing date. To meet this requirement, the caseworker must authorize the benefits by the 28th calendar day following the application filing date. See ATAPAlaska Temporary Assistance Program MS 705-5 F for policy on when an application is delayed.


Eligible First Month/Ineligible Second Month: A family may be eligible for the month of application and ineligible in the subsequent month. In this case, the family should be approved only for the month of application. However, if the anticipated change is expected to last only for the second month, the case should be suspended for the second month according to the temporary ineligibility policy at ATAPAlaska Temporary Assistance Program MS 780-16.


Ineligible First Month/Eligible Second Month: A family may be ineligible for the month of application but eligible in the subsequent month. Even though denied for the month of application, the family does not have to reapply. The same application is used for the first month denial and the determination of eligibility for the subsequent month.




The benefit start date determines the date from which benefits begin. It is the date a family initially requests benefits and files an identifiable application:



Families receiving benefits from another state or NFAPNative Family Assistance Program will be denied if the benefits received cover the period of time for which application in Alaska is made.



A family received benefits from another state on May 1 for the calendar month of May. Application is made in Alaska on May 15. Benefits have already been received for May, so the application is denied for May. The family may be approved for June, effective June 1, if otherwise eligible.


When an applicant's family is disqualified for a job quit and the disqualification will end within 30 days of the application date, the benefit start date is the date following the end of the disqualification period. See ATAPAlaska Temporary Assistance Program MS 722 for policy on job quit disqualifications.




When the office needs the applicant to submit a complete application form, or provide information needed to determine eligibility, the application is pended, and a notice is sent. The notice clearly informs the applicant what is needed to complete the application. Applicants will be given at least 10 days, but no more than 30 days, from the date of this notice to provide the verification. The same verification pend time frames will be consistently applied to all applicants within each office.


  1. Applicants failing to provide all necessary verification at the interview will be sent a pend notice no later than 30 days after the application filing date requesting the required verification.
  2. Applicants contacting the agency within the pend period expressing difficulty in obtaining required verification will be offered assistance. The caseworker should extend the pend period if additional time is needed to obtain the information. A new pend notice should be sent.
  3. If the applicant does not complete the application process, the application is denied at the end of the period provided in the notice.



An interview does not need to be completed if a household submits their recertification after the end of the certification period but within the following month and they are not due for their annual interview.




A denial notice must be sent to the applicant explaining the reason for the denial. This notice should be sent as soon as possible following the determination of ineligibility, but no later than 30 days following the application filing date.


Applicants denied for failing to provide needed verification by the end of the pend period will be sent a notice of denial at the end of the pend period. If the applicant provides the verification after the pend period but within 30 days of the application filing date, the caseworker must accept the verification and make an eligibility determination without requiring a new application. If the family is found eligible, the caseworker will use the original benefit start date.



When the deadline for processing an application or providing verification does not fall on a workday, it will be extended to the next workday.


See ATAPAlaska Temporary Assistance Program MS 705-3 E for policy on denying applicants for failing to participate in an interview.




The applicant may voluntarily withdraw the application at any time before the eligibility determination is made. ATAPAlaska Temporary Assistance Program requires the request to be written, signed, and dated. See ATAPAlaska Temporary Assistance Program MS 705 for application signature requirements. The request may be brought in, faxed, mailed, or emailed to any of our DPADivision of Public Assistance field offices. Document in the case note the reason for the withdrawn application. If the applicant does not provide this information document the reason as "unknown." Deny the application and send notice. The denial notice must inform the applicant of their right to submit a new application at any time to reapply for ATAPAlaska Temporary Assistance Program


If the applicant verbally requests to withdraw their ATAPAlaska Temporary Assistance Program application or their written request does not contain both a signature and a date the caseworker must send the applicant a notice requesting the required documentation. The applicant must be given at minimum 10 days to respond to the notice. Deny the application if the applicant fails to provide the requested documentation within the pend period. The denial notice must inform the applicant of their right to submit a new application at any time to reapply for ATAPAlaska Temporary Assistance Program.




If a family's eligibility has not been determined or benefits have not been authorized for an eligible family by the 30th day following the application filing date, the application is delayed. The caseworker will determine the cause for the delay and take appropriate action:


  1. Agency-caused delays include cases where the application was not approved, denied or pended within the allowable time limits.
    If an eligibility determination cannot be made by the 30th day from the application filing date because of action required by the agency, the case is left in a pending status. The family must be sent a pend notice by the 30th day.
  2. Family-caused delays include situations where the office cannot take further action on the application without an action from the family.
    If the family fails to submit a complete application form or reschedule an interview by the 30th day from the application filing date the application is denied.



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    MC #68 (04/21)