The following procedures apply to all staffings. This includes quarterly and extension staffings.


The work services provider is responsible for the following:


•   Scheduling the staffing(s),


•   Identifying staffing team,


•   Conducting staffing, and


•   Documenting staffings.


701-7 A.       Scheduling staffing


Staffings are conducted quarterly. The case manager reviews the months of ATAP used for each case and arranges staffings accordingly. Staffings are scheduled based on how many months of assistance a family has used, except when the family lives in an exempt native village.


701-7 B.      The Staffing Team


The case manager and client are present at the staffing. If the client has a family support team, members of the team may also be present. The client may bring a family member, friend, or other support member. DPA Work Services staff maybe included, if their presence is requested by the client or case manager to support a successful outcome.



DPA eligibility staff are not usually included in quarterly staffings. DPA eligibility staff may be included in extension staffing in cases where their understanding and expertise in extension criteria is needed or when their understanding of benefit calculations will assist the team in planning for self-sufficiency. In most cases, they can provide information in advance or participate remotely.


701-7 C.        Conducting staffings


All staffings include a review of the family's progress towards self-sufficiency and plans for exiting ATAP. The team considers recommendations for screening and assessment, additional services, work and self-sufficiency activities, and develops and/or updates a new FSSP.


701-7 D.         Documenting Staffing


The case manager will document all results of the staffing. For more details about documentation requirements see WSPM MS 1016.



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MC #38 (12/12)