126-2          SENIOR BENEFITS


Senior Benefits application is processed statewide by any DPADivision of Public Assistance office, regardless if the household has other open cases assigned to a different office. Refer to Admin Manual MS 101-5D for additional information on location of applications.



Cases assigned to LTCLong Term Care should be worked by LTCLong Term Care staff (030-X-070).




The Senior Benefits Program has a different application form (GEN 152Senior Benefits Application) than other Public Assistance programs. The Application for Services (GEN 50CApplication for Services) can also be used to apply for the Senior Benefits Program. The eligibility review form (GEN 72Eligibility Review Form) is an acceptable form to renew Senior Benefits.



Use appropriate alerts when reassigning or transferring Senior Benefits cases to another office. This notifies the receiving office where the file will be assigned or transferred after the case is approved/denied/closed.

Example: "Transfer From FSO 022"




Register Senior Benefits cases using a General Assistance case number. Senior Benefits cases must have a new and separate case number that cannot be used for any other programs within DPADivision of Public Assistance. If both members of a couple are applying for Senior Benefits, each person must have their own case number.



Mrs. Smith received General Assistance for utility shut-off in the prior month. Mrs. Smith and her husband each submitted an application for Senior Benefits. When registering the application, two new case numbers must be established for Mr. and Mrs. Smith. The old General Assistance case number cannot be recycled as a Senior Benefits case number.



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2022-03 (12/22)