120-4          FEE AGENT TRAINING


Staff Development and Training (SD&T ) will provide the online training. Prior to being approved as a fee agent, the individual must take both the Fee Agent Training and HIPAAHealth Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Training at: https://learn.dhss.alaska.gov/login/index.php. They must complete the required trainings prior to interviewing applicants and submitting a monthly billing report to receive payment. Once DOSTDivision Operations Support Team confirms they have completed both trainings, the DPADivision of Public Assistance representative signs the Fee Agent Provider Agreement (FA 33Fee Agent Provider Agreement) approving the individual as a fee agent.


The fee agent manual available online explains the fee agent's roles and responsibilities. The manual is available on the DPAweb under Policy and Procedure Manuals http://dpaweb.hss.state.ak.us/manuals/fee-agent/FeeAgentManual.pdf.


By providing standardized training, fee agents will have thorough understanding of the following:




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2020-02 (09/20)