Three separate federal agencies provide funds for the primary public assistance programs: Medicaid, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, and Alaska Temporary Assistance.  Federal regulations require states to carefully determine the administrative costs for each program.  One cost allocation method allowed is the Random Moment Sample (RMS). The RMS allows DPA to use statistically valid sampling methods to characterize activities carried out by caseworkers.  This state-designed time sample relies on a random selection of location, worker, and a specific moment in time.


The purpose of the RMS is to fairly allocate the costs between federal programs.  The accuracy of the system is critically dependent on the willingness and ability of each staff person included in the sample to accurately characterize the program work he or she is performing at the randomly selected moment.


The RMS system produces a random sampling of staff, offices, and time.  This is referred to as a “sample-set” and is produced on a quarterly basis.  The sample-set includes caseworkers that have direct responsibility for processing applications and authorizing public assistance benefits or services.  Primarily the Eligibility Technicians, Workforce Development Specialists, and Social Workers participate in the RMS.  Other staff involved in benefit authorizations also must participate if added to the list of sampled positions.


The RMS uses a web-enabled format sent by email for the worker to select the program “service” and “activity” that most appropriately reflects what they are working on at a randomly chosen moment.  The collective total of these individual reports determines the proportion of funds charged to each program or work component.  Based on the results of the RMS, the federal agencies reimburse the state for their share of the administrative costs.




Each quarter, the RMS system generates a “sample-set” for the randomly selected Personnel Control Numbers (PCN).  The RMS system uses an email/internet polling process to conduct the sampling.  The “RMS Observation” form collects information on the activity for the selected individual’s PCN at the designated time.


The individual will receive an email notification at the randomly selected time.  The email subject line will read:  “Random Moment Sample Notification -IMMEDIATE RESPONSE REQUESTED”.  The email notification states that, “you are being sampled” and lists a specified date and time.  The email includes instructions with the web link to access the observation form.


The worker must complete the on-line observation form for the precise date and time listed in the email notification.  After entering all the data in the appropriate fields, the worker must click on the “Save” button.  This returns the completed observation form to the RMS database.  The RMS system will generate a message stating, “Thank you!  Your sample response has been recorded”.




The observation form should be completed within 24-hours of the time listed on the RMS email notification.  RMS Observations are emailed approximately 5-minutes ahead of the actual sample moment to ensure prompt delivery.  A second email reminder is sent to the worker after 24 business hours from the sample moment if the observation is not completed.  If the observation remains unanswered a third email notification is sent to the worker and their supervisor after 36 business hours have lapsed.  At this point, the office supervisor is responsible to either complete the observation form or ensure that the sampled worker completes it. A no response report is sent to the supervisor every Thursday of the following week if observation remains unanswered after the third email notification.


In some rare instances an email notification may actually generate later than the time listed in the RMS Observation email message, but will generate before the 24-hour time period.  It is essential to take note of the sample time listed on the observation form to correctly compete the process.   




When a worker plans to be out of the office for a day or more, the worker must activate the “Out of Office Assistant” email feature in Outlook for the time period they expect to be out.  This will generate an “Out of Office Reply” email message to the RMS Administrator’s In-box for any observation forms expected during their absence.


The RMS Administrator will use the “Out of Office Assistant” text message information to complete the RMS Observation form on the worker’s behalf.  The “Out of Office Assistant” message should include enough information for the observation to be completed.  For example;” attending SNAP training 11/1/09 through 11/16/09”.  Or “On Vacation 11/1/09 through 11/16/09”, etc. If the worker has set the Out of Office Assistant in this manner, the sampled worker can delete any RMS email notifications that exceed the 24-hour period.  




The RMS Administrator monitors the dates, time, and completion of each observation form.  The RMS Administrator is responsible for the federal sample validation.  This process requires follow-up telephone calls to selected sampled individuals to reconfirm the data they entered into the RMS system.  This is a federal validation requirement.  Follow-up may also be necessary for individuals who failed to complete their scheduled observation form, or set the Out of Office Assistant.  


119-1 E.     SAMPLING


The RMS Administrator determines the PCN's that must participate in the sampling.  Primarily Eligibility Technicians, Workforce Development Specialists, and Social Workers will appear in the sampling.  Managers working a caseload or providing program policy clarification might appear in the sampling.  Also, administrative staff responsible for determining eligibility for Diversion and expedited service programs, or issuing supportive services, will appear in the sampling.


The RMS system randomly selects individuals for the RMS quarterly sample-set by PCN rather than by a name or job title.  The worker in the selected PCN at that moment in time completes the observation form.  For example, if an employee moves into a new PCN, either through a transfer to another office or promotion, they will receive any RMS observation forms scheduled for the new PCN and will not receive the RMS observation forms for the old PCN.  A worker can only receive observation forms for one PCN.



Workers should not receive RMS email notifications on their regular day off (RDO).  The supervisor or worker must notify the RMS Administrator of the RDO schedule, moves from one PCN to another, terminates employment, or different Supervisor.  

The RMS Administrator will update that information within the RMS system.
The RMS Administrator’s email address is DPA_RMS@alaska.gov and can be located on the Department Global Address list.




Sampling is set up by calendar quarter.  Once the Quarterly Sample Set starts, few changes can be made to a sample-set.  Neither adding new staff nor deletion of PCNs can occur after the start of the sample set.  Modifications can be made to name, PCN, job title, supervisors name, telephone numbers, and email address changes.  Workers who are in the sample group should notify the RMS Administrator of any changes that need to be made.


Quarterly RMS sample-sets are:


First Calendar Quarter = January, February, March

Second Calendar Quarter = April, May, June

Third Calendar Quarter = July, August, September

Fourth Calendar Quarter = October, November, December

Additional RMS information and training materials can be located on-line at http://dpaweb.hss.state.ak.us/node/view/279


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2020-03 (12/20)