The RMS is not a device for evaluating individual or program performance.  The Division uses the information reported on the RMS form to determine the allocation of state and federal funding between programs.  Each observation form has unique identifying program “Service” and “Activity” codes to meet federal requirements.  The worker must complete all of the required fields on the observation form.  


For each RMS observation form, the worker must carefully review the RMS “Service” and “Activity” codes and select the one code that most appropriately reflects either:


  1. The specific, discrete program worked on at the exact moment indicated on the observation form.  The worker selects the “Service” code” from the drop-down list that best reflects or describes the public assistance program(s) benefiting from the work at the chosen moment; and

  2. The common activity that simultaneously benefits more than one program; or 

  3. A non-programmatic activity, such as a break, lunch, leave, or travel.



The “Activity” drop-down list will not be available until after the worker selects the “Service” code”.


119-2 A.     CASE NUMBER


The worker enters the 8-digit case number when the recorded activity involves a specific case.  A case number is not always required when selecting a specific program.  For example, if a worker is reading a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program policy notice at the randomly selected moment, there will not be a related case number.  The sampled individual would select the “SNAP” from the drop-down list, select the appropriate activity, such as; “Professional Reading/Manual “Review” and the case number would be blank.


119-2 B.     COMMENTS


Use the ”Comments” field on the observation form if you have selected the activity ”All Other Activities, Specify.”  This means no other activity listed adequately describes the activity being done.  In this situation specify the nature of the activity in the ”Comments” field.  Click in the ”Comments” field and type in your comments.  For example,  Washington State Public Assistance office called to verify the status of a client’s SNAP Application.  Otherwise, leave this field blank.




When completing the RMS observation form, the worker should carefully review the services and activities from the drop-down list, and select the best program from the “Services” drop-down list and activity for the randomly chosen moment.  If the activity is discrete to a specific program, then the selection of the corresponding program is the correct choice.


Sometimes the generic gathering and recording of common information that will benefit more than one program requires selection of multiple programs.  The various program combinations are listed on the program “Service” drop-down list for common program activities.


Some activities, such as gathering income information and recording the data in EIS, will be a necessary task for all of the programs rather than just one specific program.  The worker must determine if the activity is common to all programs or if it is a specific activity discrete to only one program.



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2010-01 (5/10)