Recipient cooperation with a QA review is a condition of eligibility for the Alaska Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).  Occasionally, the recipient will not cooperate with the QA Reviewer by not responding to the first QA letter requesting the recipient to contact QA for an interview, clients refusing to be interviewed, or failing to provide information that is needed to complete the review.  When this happens the following actions are taken:


  1. The QAQuality AssuranceQuality Assurance Reviewer sends a second letter to the recipient requesting cooperation in completing the review process and the QA Supervisor will also send a letter requesting cooperation.

  2. If the recipient continues to not cooperate after the letters are sent:

    The QA Quality AssuranceQuality AssurancReviewer will email the office team supervisor or designee requesting the  F714 notice to be sent to the recipient soliciting cooperation in completing the QAQuality AssuranceQuality Assurance review process.  Do not close the case based on this action.

  3. If the recipient remains uncooperative, the QAQuality AssuranceQuality Assurance Reviewer will determine if the recipient meets the FNS definition of refusal (113-6A) or failure (113-6B) to cooperate.





For recipients meeting the refusal to cooperate criteria, the QA Supervisor will contact the office Eligibility Team Supervisor of the recipient's refusal by email and attach the Q-Form.  For SNAP cases the instructions will include the reason for the refusal, the effective of dates of the disqualification period, and the QA contact instructions for the client. The Eligibility Supervisor will be directed to close the case allowing for adverse action, and to send the F402 disqualification notice to the recipient.   


Follow the instructions in the Alaska Temporary Assistance if an ATAP recipient refuses to cooperate.


If the SNAP recipient reapplies during the disqualification period, all applications should be denied for failure to cooperate with QA until the disqualification period has ended, or the recipient has cooperated with QA.


When the recipient cooperates with QA after the closure, the QA will contact the Eligibility Team Supervisor of the recipient's cooperation and provide the date to end the disqualification. A new application may be processed normally as of that date.


In some situations, the QAQuality Assurance Reviewer can complete the review without the recipient's cooperation.  Completing the review does not change the client’s penalty for refusing to cooperate.  





Some clients agree to cooperate, but fail to cooperate for reasons outside of their control. This may be due to a refusal of employer cooperation or a collateral contact will not provide information needed to complete the review.  If this occurs, the case remains open, unless some other factor affecting eligibility is discovered, and the client is not penalized.  


The QA Reviewer may determine the household has failed to cooperate when the recipient does not respond to QA letters or phone messages due to loss of contact.  In these instances, the QA Supervisor will send an email to the Eligibility Team Supervisor the case is currently carc’d to, and request a Special Review of the household.


In this situation, the Eligibility Team Supervisor or designee will:



If the recipient responds, schedule and conduct the interview following the initial application process. Re-determine eligibility for all open programs the recipient is currently receiving, and provide appropriate approval or closure notice(s) to the recipient allowing for adverse action.


If the recipient does not respond, close all programs allowing for adverse action and send the F413 notice for Loss of Contact. If this is a combo case, send the C413 notice.



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2016-01 (03/16)