The CANO Desk Guide is a reference for documenting actions and decisions relating to the household’s application or recertification. When using the CANO Desk Guide, staff needs to consider each subject line in the document as it applies to the specific program and case they are processing. Each subject line also includes possible elements of eligibility that staff needs to review when making a decision on the case. Staff must also document information that is not clearly identified on EIS and ARIES. If the information reported on the application differs from what is entered on EIS and ARIES, staff needs to provide further explanation or clarification in the CANO.


Staff must also remember that not all the subject line apply to every case. Staff may omit subject lines that do not apply to the household situation. The information in the right hand side provides staff guidance on the subject line and element.


Staff can access the CANO Desk Guide on the DPAweb under eForms.

Households with No Income and Resources:

Documentation is necessary for every action taken on an application. This includes households that have no income or resources. For these types of applications, a summary of the household situation is still necessary and must include the following components or subjects at the least:


Documentation to Support Using Only One Reason in Denial or Closure Notices:

When staff finds an obvious reason for denial or ineligibility, they are instructed to stop interviewing and deny the application or recertification based on this sole reason. Staff must then document in CANO the information gathered from the household to support the reason for denial or closure. However, in situations where it is obvious to staff that there is another reason for denial or closure, for example, the household is both over resource and over income, both reasons must be documented in CANO.


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2019-02 (09/19)