Clear and concise documentation is always beneficial.
When documenting, staff must always:
Be factual; address only facts, and
do not include any personal opinions or judgments.
Be specific; avoid vague, general, or
ambiguous statements, instead provide exact and accurate information
and details.
Be objective; make sure notes are unbiased
and without subjectivity.
Be clear; dates, words, actions, and
time frames must be clear and to the point.
The following tips may also help staff write understandable and succinct case notes:
Do not write anything that would surprise
the client or would be uncomfortable to share with the client.
Case notes are a record of the client’s situation. Therefore,
it should reflect information that the caseworker and client have
discussed. Clients should never be surprised by what is
in the case note. If the case note would be uncomfortable
to share with the client, staff should consider writing in a different
The case note must be understandable
to the reader. It must provide a clear picture of the eligibility
decision, what was done, and the reason. Refer to MS
109-6 and MS 109-8 for more information
on using the CANO Desk Guide and
CANO templates.
Remember that case notes may be viewed for purposes other than eligibility determination. It may be viewed by case reviewers, hearing representatives and officers, attorneys, judges, and other State officials.