The SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements Program is an inter-governmental initiative designed to aid benefit-granting agencies in determining an applicant's immigration status, and thereby ensure that only entitled applicants receive federal, state, or local public benefits and licenses.
The SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements Program, run by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCISU. S. Citizenship and Immigration Service), verifies the legal status of non-immigrants, immigrants, and naturalized citizens applying for public assistance benefits. In addition to verifying immigration status of noncitizens applying for benefits through SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements, staff must also verify if the individual has a sponsor.
The SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements program provides an electronic verification process through the Instant Eligibility Verification System (IEVSInstant Eligibility Verification System). For additional information regarding IEVSInstant Eligibility Verification System, see Admin MS 106-5.
Details regarding the SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements process in IEVSInstant Eligibility Verification System are outlined in the IEVSInstant Eligibility Verification System User Guide that can be found on the IEVSInstant Eligibility Verification System website in the drop-down menu under the caseworker's name.
The Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlement (SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements) is the online electronic verification process to determine an applicant's immigration status.
Verification of alien status and alien sponsor through SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements is required for each individual applying for SNAPSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, ATAPAlaska Temporary Assistance Program/TANFTemporary Assistance for Needy Families, APAAdult Public Assistance, and Medicaid. All verification done through SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements must be clearly documented in the case record (CANOCase Notes). The alien's documents must correspond to the SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements response to verify their eligibility for these public assistance programs.
Refer to the DPA Interface User Guide at the Manuals link on the DPADivision of Public Assistance website for information on accessing SAVE.
To verify the status of aliens who are applying for assistance, the caseworker must log into SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements Automated Status Verification System as follows:
- Go to the DPADivision of Public Assistance website. At the right side of the page, under Quicklinks, click on Verification Information System. This will take you to the US Citizenship and Immigration Services Verification Information System Logon. You may also enter this link in the web browser: https://save.uscis.gov/web/.
- You will see a System Use Agreement. Click on the "I agree" box, and then click Next. This will take you to the sign in page.
- On the sign in page, enter your username and password and select Submit.
Each DPADivision of Public Assistance employee is assigned a username and a temporary password. If this is your first time using SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements and you have not been issued a username and password, contact your supervisor for assistance. Systems Support issues all SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements usernames and passwords to DPADivision of Public Assistance employees. Once an employee has secured their username and temporary password, Systems Support will also provide instructions on changing the password. The guidelines for changing passwords in SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements are provided by USCISU. S. Citizenship and Immigration Service. Systems Support will provide staff the updated guidelines when issuing the username and password.
To reset a forgotten username, select "Forgot Your Name?" link on the SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements Sign In page. The System displays the Find USERNAME – Email Address page. First, enter the email address, then click Submit button. The USERNAME will be sent to the email address entered.
To retrieve a forgotten or locked password, select "Forgot Your Password?" link on the Sign In page. The system displays the Reset Password page. First, enter the USERNAME, then click Next button to display the Change Password page. Correctly answer the three challenge questions. Afterwards, enter new password into New Password field and re-type the new password into Re-Type Password field. Click the Submit button. The system displays a message: "Your user password has been successfully changed." Validate your email address and phone number. Finally, click the Submit button to return to the Home page.
- Once you have successfully logged into the system, you will enter the main page. The main page was updated in March 2019. At the top of the page is a navigation tool bar with various tabs:
- Initiate Cases: This tab allows the user to start and submit the applicant's immigration status by initiating the verification process.
- Search Case: This tab allows the search for specific case or cases based on the System Responses, Status, and specific applicant details such as verification number, Alien, USCISU. S. Citizenship and Immigration Service, or I-94 number.
- Profile: This tab contains functions that allow users to maintain their own account information. This includes Change Password and Change Profile.
- Reports: This tab enables the user to run several different reports against the verification performed. The reports are role-sensitive. Access to certain information is applicable to the user's role.
Although the View Reports function is available to DPADivision of Public Assistance, caseworkers do not need to use this function.
- Help: This menu allows users to view resources and tutorials, and lists contact options for SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements. Selecting "View Resources" from the Help drop-down menu or "Resources" from the Quick Links, the user will have access to a variety of materials and guides such as:
- Class of Admission (COA) Tables
- SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements Program Guide
- Interactive Training Materials
To verify an applicant's immigration status, the first step is to submit an initial verification to USCISU. S. Citizenship and Immigration Service.
- To initiate a verification case from the SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements home page, select Initial Verification under the Quick Links or Initiate Case from the top navigation menu.
- The system will display Create a Case – Applicant Information page. Using the applicant's document, enter the applicant's information:
- First and last name or surname
- Enter the applicant's date of birth as it appears on the I-551 Card or other documents. Remember when entering the date of birth, enter it as the two-digit month and date, followed by four-digit month. For example MM/DD/YYYY.
- Enter the applicant's Alien Registration "A" Number, also known or referred to as the USCISU. S. Citizenship and Immigration Service number from the I-551 Card. Also remember when entering an Alien Number into the SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements system, nine (9) digits are required. When entering the Alien number, do no include the letter "A." If the A-number has fewer than nine digits, add leading zeros to make it a nine-digit number.
If an alien ID number shows as A123456, you would enter 000123456; if it were A12345678, you would enter 012345678. If INS has not issued an alien number or if an individual has an I-94 admission number, enter all nines: 999999999.
- If available, enter additional enumerator information such as I-94 Number, Passport Number, or Naturalization/Citizenship Number.
Tip: Click on the question mark for help.
- Select all benefits requested (for example, SNAPSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, ATAPAlaska Temporary Assistance Program/TANFTemporary Assistance for Needy Families, Medicaid).
- Once the requested benefits type is selected, click Grant Date and Sponsor to verify if alien sponsor information is available.
- Click Continue to proceed. If there are data entry errors or additional information is required, the system returns an error message in a red box with directions to correct the error before proceeding. If there are no errors, the next step is to select Continue.
- The Review case Details page allows you to confirm all data entered against the document presented by the applicant before submitting the request for initial verification. Use the Back button to return to the previous page to correct or modify the data entered. If all the data is correct, click Initiate Verification button to submit query. It is important that you enter the information correctly or it may delay the verification process.
- Checking for an alien sponsor is required whenever SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements is used. To verify information about the alien sponsor, click on Sponsors/Household Members.
- If the applicant's information does not immediately match the DHSSDepartment of Health and Social Services records, an error or edit message appears to confirm that the information was entered correctly. If the information display is incorrect, you will need to update and select Retry Initial Verification. Retry Initial Verification Option – if there is a mismatch in the data entered, the system returns a page with the following information:
- Case Verification Number
- System instruction message in box at the top of the page
- Mismatched data field(s)
- Application information submitted
- Selected benefit(s)
- To correct the mismatched data field(s), make the necessary changes and the click the Retry Initial Verification button
- If SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements is not able to verify the applicant's information immediately or has encouraged an error, a message will display on the page indicating the case is pending and staff will need to check the status in 24 hours to see if there was a resolution. If an error occurred on the case, the case must be closed and a new case verification initiated.
- If there is no mismatch data, the system will connect to the SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements Response page and provide the results of your initial verification query. The results include information from the immigration database relating to the person associated with the alien number, a case verification number, and an immigration status message in the System Response line.
- Case Verification Number: This is a unique number assigned to the case. This number will always remain associated with the case and can be used to retrieve the case in the future.
- Agency Submitted Details: This section displays the information you entered on the Initial Verification Information page including the Requested Benefits.
- SAVE Response Details: This section will provide the Alien's full name, Country of Birth, Date of Birth, Date of Entry, and the client's Alien Status. Review this information. It is important to verify that the information in the Initial Verification Results section matches the information on the applicant's immigration documentation. If you find any discrepancies between the information noted in the Initial Verification Results and the hard copy Immigration documentation the individual provided, or if "Institute Additional Verification" appears in the System Response line, you must request additional verification. See MS 105-14 D and MS 105-14 E for instructions on requesting additional verification.
- Affidavit of Support: SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements will verify if the applicant has a sponsor or joint sponsor. This section will provide detail information about the alien's sponsor, household member, or joint sponsor such as the name, address, and Social Security number. Please note: Not all cases will have alien sponsor results or information. If no results are found, it will indicate "Not Applicable" under the Affidavit of Support. For detail information about specific alien deeming, deeming exemption and federal reporting requirements, refer to the appropriate Program Policy Manual SNAP MS 605-2 A, ATAP MS 770-8, MAGI Medicaid MS 820-6, and ADLTC MS 532(C).
All verification using SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements must be clearly documented in the case file (CANOCase Notes), including alien sponsor.
- If the case was initiated in error or if a mistake was made in a field that cannot be updated, you will need to select Close Case.
- If you do not find any discrepancies or do not receive an "Institute Additional Verification" system response, you can close the case or close the case and start a new case. If a photo is available during the initial verification, the system will display a photo to help ensure the document is valid. It is recommended that you print the SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements Response Details information page for your file. To print, click the View/Print Case Details icon button at the top right hand corner of the page. Once you have successfully printed the SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements Response Details page, click Close Case button.
If you do not take any action in 180 days or no action is taken, SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements will automatically close the case. This means that you will not be able to access the case or take any further action. If the case still needs to be processed, you will need to start the verification process over again. It is important that you close every SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements verification case after receiving the final response. Remember, you may receive a final response after initial, addition, or third step verification.
- After you close the case, the Case Closure Information section appears below the results. The information in this section includes the user ID of the person who closed the case and the date of closure. It helps overall system performance to close completed cases.
- During the initial verification, if SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements is unable to verify the status of the application (for example: Lawful Permanent Resident-Employment Authorized status), the case must proceed to additional verification. If the information is correct, select Request Additional Verification to send the case to Additional Verification.
The Photo Matching tool is available with either a Permanent Resident card or Employment Authorization Card during the initial verification process. Photo matching prompts you to compare the applicant's immigration document with the photo displayed by the SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements system. This helps ensure that the document provided is valid.
- If a photo is not found, the SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements system will not display the Photo Matching page and the verification process will continue as normal.
- If found in the system, Photo Matching will display an image of the benefit-seeking applicant during initial verification for both I-551 Permanent Resident Card and the 1-776 Employment Authorization Card. The Initiate Case-Photo Matching page appears with a message: "Check the photo below against the photo on the I-551 (Permanent Resident card) or I-776 (Employment Authorization Card). Does the photo match the applicant's document?"
- To Enlarge the photo image on the page, click Enlarge link under the photo.
- Compare the photo displayed by SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements to the photo on the applicant's immigration document and determine if the photos are reasonably identical. This means that the photo should be identical, but you should take into account minor variation in shading and details between the two photos based on age and wear of the applicant's document and the quality of the computer monitor.
You have three options to choose from: "Yes – Photo matches," "No – Photo does not match," or "No Photo displayed."
- If photo matches, select "Yes – photo matches" then select next to continue.
- If the photo does not match, select "No – photo does not match." When the photo displayed by the SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements system does not match the photo on the applicant's immigration document and "No – photo does not match" is selected, you will be instructed to Institute Additional Verification.
- Next, the photo confirmation page will appear, prompting you to confirm the selection. The user may select Back to change your selection or select Submit to continue with the verification process.
- Once you submit the initial verification, SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements will promptly display the case results on Response Detail information page. On this page, SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements will provide you with the verification response along with the applicant's name, date of birth, class of admission code, and the date to which he or she is admitted to the United States. If the page displays, for example, "Lawful Permanent Resident – Employment Authorized," the process is complete. Click Close Case.
- The user will only receive information related to the applicant, thus some of the fields may be left blank.
There are times when you or the applicant has a concern about the verification response after the initial verification. If the applicant's status is not confirmed at the initial verification, the verification process continues by you requesting additional verification. It is important to note that you may select Request Additional Verification if you receive an immigration status response, but it does not appear to match the applicant's information.
The caseworker must request additional verification from the applicant if the following conditions exist after an initial verification:
- There are discrepancies between the data in the Initial Verification Results section and the information on the applicant's immigration document.
- The message "Institute Additional Verification" appears in the System Response line.
- The first step for requesting additional verification is to select Additional Verification on the SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements Response page. Selecting this button causes the Enter Additional verification Data section to appear.
- Complete the Enter Additional Information – Additional Verification page. On this page, you have the option to enter additional information such as Alias, Alien, or USCISU. S. Citizenship and Immigration Service Number, for example the applicant's I-94 Number. If available, you may also enter the applicant's Passport Number and country of issuance. Further, you may also enter any important comments that may be significant to the case verification in the special comment section.
You can attach a copy of the applicant's document under the Attach Document section. To receive additional verification results faster, SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements recommends that you attach a copy of the applicant's immigration document in that location. Attaching the applicant's during additional verification will greatly help SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements process the verification case faster.
- After you enter any additional information, submit the request by selecting Institute Additional Verification.
- After you submit the additional verification request, the information appears in the Additional Verification Results section. The SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements system response will display "Case Under Review" on the SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements Response page, while the additional verification is being reviewed.
- To retrieve the results, you will need to record the Case Verification Number, which is automatically generated by the SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements system. The Case Verification Number is located on the upper right hand corner of the page.
- After recording the Case Verification Number, select Exit and Return Home at the bottom of the page.
- To search for particular case or to view the Case Summary List, select Search Cases from the top navigation menu or from the quick links menu. Once you have selected the search case option, the Search Cases – Case Filter page appears.
On this page, you will have options to search specific case or cases based on the System Response, Status, and specific applicant detail such as verification number, Alien, USCISU. S. Citizenship and Immigration Service, or I-94 number.
- On the Search Case – Case Filters page, enter the Case Verification Number from the View Case Details page in the Verification Number entry field.
- Select Submit to display the Case Summary List.
- On the Summary List page, select the Verification Number.
- The Case Verification Number search is displayed in the Case Summary List. When selecting the verification number, the SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements system will direct the user to the SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements Response page. The SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements Response Details page contains case results and detailed information on the case.
- The USCISU. S. Citizenship and Immigration Service SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements Program usually returns a response to a request for additional verification within three to five federal government workdays. For more information on checking for responses, refer to MS 105-14 H. In the response, the system provides either responses:
- The applicant's current immigration status.
- A message to continue to third step "Resubmit Doc (2 Sided Need)" indicates that SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements was unable to find a record match base on the information provided. You will need to proceed to the third step verification.
- If the system provides the applicant's current immigration status, the verification process is complete. If the status is not confirmed and a message "Resubmit Doc (2 Sided Need)" is received, follow the procedure in MS 105-14 F.
If the applicant only has an I-94 number, you will need to use the Additional Verification option to verify immigration status.
- The first step is to select Initiate Additional Verification from the SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements Response Details page. This takes you to the Additional Information page.
- The second step is to enter information from the applicant's I-94 document on the Additional Verification page.
- An asterisk (*) indicates required information. However, it is best to provide as much information as possible.
- Make sure that you enter the applicant's name exactly as it appears on the immigration document.
- Enter the 11-digit I-94 number from off of the applicant's arrival/departure record. Enter the applicant's birth date in the Date of Birth box in the mm/dd/yyyy format. For example, 03/10/2003. If the I-94 number provided by the applicant is less than eleven digits, you must provide leading zeros. For example: 7273582701 should be input as 07273582701.
- The Document Type list defaults to I-94 (Arrival/Departure Record) and cannot be changed.
- When entering the date in the Doc. Expiration Date box, use mm/dd/yyyy format.
- The Special Comments box can be used to enter any other type of information that you want to communicate to the Immigration Status Verifier.
- The last step is to submit the information you entered by selecting Submit to send the case for additional verification. This takes you to the View Case Details page.
- The information you submitted displays in the Additional Verification section of the View Case Details page. The Status line in the response section ("DHS Verification in Process") indicates that the request is in process. The verification number assigned by the system is displayed in the message area.
The verification number is the system-generated number that appears in the message area when a verification request is submitted. The first thirteen digits contain the year, day, and time the case was submitted, encoded as follows: First four digits is the year, next three digits the Julian date, next two digits the hour, next two digits the minute, and the next two digits are the seconds. The last two characters in the verification number are part of an alphanumeric sequence number that helps to uniquely identify this case.
- The SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements Program usually returns a response to a request for additional verification within three to five federal government workdays on the Search Cases – Summary List page. See MS 105-14 F for instructions on searching for cases and responses.
- If system problems or issues are encountered, call the SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements technical support at 1-877-469-2563.
After the caseworker submits an additional verification, there may be a need for more information before the case can be resolved. A third-step verification query can be initiated after an additional automated verification has proved unsuccessful and more information is need (i.e. copy of documents) and the Immigration Status Verifier returns a comment that further documentation is needed.
If the case requires third step verification, follow these steps:
- Scan both sides of the applicant's document.
- Electronically attach the scanned image of the applicant's document.
- Provide any additional applicant's information.
- Submit Case to Third Step Verification.
- After resubmitting the verification during the additional verification step, the SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements system may still not verify the information. If the response is "Other" or "Resubmit Doc" and you have concerns about any information provided by SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements on the second level verification. To initiate third-step verification, on the View Case Detail – Additional Verification Results page select Resubmit Verification.
- The next page is the Enter Additional Information – Third Level Verification page. Under the Attach Document section, you may attach the document by first selecting the Browse button.
- To attach the document to the SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements System, you must first scan the front and back of the applicant's document. Once saved, ensure that the save image adheres to the following constraints:
- File size must be one of the following: .JPG, .JPEG, .PNG, .GIF, or .PDF.
- File size must be no larger than 1.5 MB.
- Only one file may be attached to the case.
- Ensure that the scanned images are readable. Scanned images that are too small, dark, or blurry may not verified.
- Once the applicant's document has been scanned and saved, electronically attach the document to the verification case by following these steps:
- Attach the document by first selecting the Browse button on the Enter Additional Information page under the Attach Document section.
- Browse for the file that will be attached and then select Open or Insert on the Attach Document section.
- The name of the file that was attached should appear. Select Attach to successfully upload the file to the verification case.
- Select Submit to complete the process and send the information to the USCISU. S. Citizenship and Immigration Service to confirm the applicant's document for a match.
- Once you have entered any additional applicant information and/or attach a copy of the applicant's document to the SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements system, select Submit to electronically send the case for third step verification. The SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements system will quickly display the View Case Details page with a SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements system response of "Case Under Review."
The case, along with the attached documents, will be elevated by a SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements representative and the final verification response will be returned electronically within 3 to 5 federal working days.
- From the View Case Details screen, you may print a copy of the pre-populated Form G-845 for record keeping. Select Print G-845 Form button. The pre-populated form G-845 will automatically generate once you submit the case to the third step verification.
- Responses to third-step verifications will be returned within 10 to 20 federal working days and may also be found in the case list under "Cases with Third-Step Verification Responses." If USCISU. S. Citizenship and Immigration Service does not provide a response after 20 federal working days, caseworkers may call USCISU. S. Citizenship and Immigration Service toll-free at (877) 469-2563 to check the status of the G-845.
- To retrieve the results of the third verification case after it has been processed, select Search Cases under the Quick Links Menu or select Search Cases from the top-navigation menu. On the Search Cases – Case Filter page, enter the case Verification Number in the appropriate field. The case Verification Number for the third step is the same number that was assigned during the initial and additional verification.
You can also enter additional search criteria to help narrow the results, such as the applicant's Alien Number, I-94 Number, or the date when the verification was submitted. Once complete, select Submit to view the case summary list.
Aliens with documentation forms I-688, I-688A, and I-689 must sign a disclosure statement entitled "Consent of Disclosure" (GEN 46Consent of Disclosure form) and this must be electronically submitted to USCISU. S. Citizenship and Immigration Service as part of the third step verification. Aliens with these documentation numbers have applied for status under the legalization (amnesty) or Special Agricultural Worker Provisions of IRCAImmigration Reform and Control Act. When using VISVerification Information System to verify documents for the SNAPSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, the Consent of Disclosure is not required.
The "Search Cases" option allows caseworkers to perform the following tasks:
- Search for cases
- Display a list of cases
- Access the details of a specific case
When searching for cases, the system by default will limit the cases displayed to only cases within the caseworker's workload or requests submitted.
- The first step is to select Search Cases on the Navigation menu. This takes you to the Case Search – Case Filer page.
- Enter the criteria for your search on the Case Search – Case Filter page. You can search for cases based on case status alone, or you can include other specific criteria such as verification number, Alien, USCISU. S. Citizenship and Immigration Service, or I-94 number. The default Case Status option is All Open Cases. You may use this option or select another. The meaning of the various case status values are as follows:
- All Open Cases – All cases requiring action, plus all cases in process.
- Cases requiring action – These are cases with an initial verification status other than "additional verification required" and cases with additional verification responses. These cases should be closed.
- Cases with additional verification responses – These are cases that have been submitted for additional verification and the additional verification response has been received but the case has not been closed.
- Cases with Third-Step Verification Responses – These are cases that have been submitted for verification and an additional verification response has been received, but the case has not been closed.
- Cases in process – These are cases that have been submitted for additional verification, but a Status Verifier response has not been received.
- Closed cases – These are cases that have been closed.
- If you want to search for a specific case, you can use the Verification Number, Alien number, I-04 Number, or User Case Number.
- When your search includes any of these criteria, it is important that you select the correct Case Status in order for the system to locate the case.
- To see a list of cases that were initiated during a specific time period, enter those dates in the Date Initiated From and Date Initiated To boxes.
- After entering the criteria for your search, select Submit. The system displays the Search Case Summary List page.
- Each row on the Case Summary List page displays information for a single case, which is identified by the verification number. You can access the detailed case information by selecting this number. If there are more than ten cases, use the Next links and Previous button to navigate between pages.
- The column headers identify the type of information that appears for each case. To change the order of the list by column, select a column header.
- The first column, Case Status, contains icons that represent the status of the case. The Legend area at the bottom of the screen contains a description of each icon. You may also refer to MS 105-14 F (2) for the meaning of the various case status values.
- Scroll bars along the bottom and right side of the screen will appear if the list and case information extends beyond the viewing area.
- You can access the detailed history of a specific case selecting the case verification number.
- The Case Details page displays the history for the case that was selected on the Case Summary List page. From this page, you can print the case details, request additional verification, complete, and close the case or go to the previous page.
The Reports Tab on the navigation menu allows a user to run several different reports against the verifications performed. The reports are role-sensitive. The user can only see information in the reports applicable to his/her role. Adobe Acrobat Reader or Microsoft Excel is required to view reports, depending on the report selected.
There are 5 different options to select for the report:
- Agency Ad Hoc Report – Standard: User selects from specific criteria (case number, alien number, etc.) to specify what will be included in a case history report.
- Month End Agency Transaction by Benefit Report: This report displays the total number of billable type transaction by benefit name for a specific month and year. Billable transactions are initial verification and additional verification requests initiated by a user.
- Month End Agency Transaction by User Summary Report: This report displays the total number of transaction by a user within an agency/program/state for a specified month and fiscal year. The additional verification query counts in this report such as third step verification, and manual Form G-845 with valid initial verification.
- SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements Billing Transaction Report: This report displays total number of billable transaction completed by automated or by manual methods for specified month and fiscal year. Billable transaction are initial verification, initial verification resubmittals, additional verifications, third step verifications, manual G-845 cases without case verification numbers, and third step verifications include Manual G-845s with a valid initial verification number.
- Web Agency Audit Report: This report displays summary level information for each case initiated by the user for the user-entered query criteria. The report includes the initial query date, alien number, I-94 number, last name, first name, initial query response, additional verification response, third step verification response, and the closed date, if applicable. The total number of cases matching the user-entered query criteria will be included on the report.
To run the report for a specific case:
- Select the Report Tab on the navigation tool menu and select Run Report.
- The displayed page will take you to the Run Report – Selection and Details. Select Agency Ad Hoc as the report type. Click Next to continue. Note: A brief description of the report will appear at the bottom of the selection box.
- The next page is the Report Parameter form.
- Select the desired format. The options are PDF or Excel format.
- Enter the date range of the report using mm/dd/yyyy format.
- To specify the information to be included in a Case History Report, select the criteria from the Parameter drop-down list (Alien Number, I-94 Number, Verification Number, etc.) into the Value Field.
- Select Update to extract the report.
- The next page will allow you to edit or correct any information. You may click Edit or Back button to make corrections. If the information is correct, click Submit to run the report.
- The case history report will display the verification number, type of ID, the Alien ID number, system responses, and closure date for a specific case.
105-14 J. USCISU. S. Citizenship and Immigration Service CONTACT NUMBERS
The SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements Program offers a variety of customer support options, training, and resources that are available to all users on the Navigation Menu's Help Tab. The Help drop-down menu contains the following links: "View Resource," "Take the SAVE tutorial" (which is currently unavailable), and "Contact Us." Additionally, on the SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements Home page, users have access to resources and contact information using Quick Links "Resources" and "Contact Us."
- For inquiries concerning case status, of if USCISU. S. Citizenship and Immigration Service does not provide a response after the number of days designated in this procedure, caseworkers may call USCISU. S. Citizenship and Immigration Service toll-free at (877) 469-2563. Caseworkers need to have the case verification number to obtain assistance.
- Case status inquiries and designated number of days to receive responses:
- Electronic verification requests pending over 5 federal working days.
- G-845 request pending over 20 federal working days (from USCISU. S. Citizenship and Immigration Service Receipt).
- SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements Customer Service and Support:
For questions regarding the web access and features, or general questions regarding the SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements Program, caseworkers may call (877) 469-2563, or send an email to: SAVE.help@uscis.dhs.gov.
There is also general information on the web about the SAVESystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements program:
After receiving the response from USCISU. S. Citizenship and Immigration Service, the caseworker must refer to the eligibility requirements of the applicable public assistance program to determine whether the applicant or recipient is qualified for a benefit. Benefits cannot be delayed or denied solely on the basis of alien status of the individual if they meet the following requirements:
- The alien has provided documentation of their Alien status;
- The VISVerification Information System process has been initiated; and
- The secondary verification process has not been completed.
In such cases, benefits can be issued as long as the individual is otherwise eligible and the initial attempts to verify alien status through VISVerification Information System are documented in the case record.
Recent guidance from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCISU. S. Citizenship and Immigration Service) limits the circumstances that requires public assistance agencies to report suspected undocumented immigrants or illegal aliens to their agency.
When handling cases where there is suspect of undocumented immigrant(s) in the household, the following guidelines must be applied:
- Household is applying for SNAPSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Program.
- The caseworker will not determine that a household member is ineligible to receive SNAPSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program because that person is in the U.S. illegally unless specific documentation is provided showing illegal status.
- A caseworker must never assume that a household member is in the U.S. illegally if they fail to provide documentation of their legal status.
- A report will not be made to the local USCISU. S. Citizenship and Immigration Service office if the caseworker determines the alien is ineligible to receive benefits because the alien failed to provide documentation showing proof of legal status in the U.S.
- If the caseworker receives a confession from a household member that they are in the U.S. illegally, the caseworker will determine that the household member is ineligible to receive SNAPSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program only if there is documentation that supports the confession. If there is no documentation that supports the confession, the caseworker will require the household member to provide documentation of legal status. If the household member does not provide the documentation, deny benefits for the household member for which information was not received.
- A report will be made to the local USCISU. S. Citizenship and Immigration Service office only if a confession from the alien is received that they are in the U.S. illegally and there is documentation that supports the confession.
- Household is applying for other DPADivision of Public Assistance programs.
- If an applicant fails to provide proof of legal alien status for a member of the household, the caseworker will not make any further investigation of the household member's legal status.
- If an applicant fails to provide documentation of legal alien status for a member of the household, the caseworker will consider the household member ineligible for public assistance due to failure to provide documentation of legal alien status.
- Since the caseworker did not determine the household member ineligible for benefits due to their illegal status, the household member will not be reported to INSImmigration and Naturalization Services.