The following is a list of some of the possible sources of verification that can be used if there is reason to question a client's statement or if specific program policy requires additional documentation. For further discussion of all eligibility factors and their separate verification concerns and requirements, see the specific program manual.
An official birth certificate is the best document for verifying age, but not the only document. The caseworker should be sure that an official birth certificate is unavailable before using other documents to verify age.
- Acceptable documents that the client may have are:
- Adoption record;
- Baptismal certificate;
- Confirmation papers;
- Driver's license;
- Family Bible;
- Hospital or midwife birth records;
- Immigration or naturalization records;
- Insurance company records;
- Marriage license or records;
- Military service papers;
- Passport;
- State or federal census record;
- Voter registration card;
- Draft Board records;
- Employment records;
- Labor union records;
- Military service records;
- Physician's records;
- School records; or
- Vaccination records.
This Temporary Assistance requirement has two parts that must be verified. First, it must be verified that the necessary family relationship exists between the child and the applicant, and second, it must be verified that the child does, in fact, live in the home of the caretaker relative. (See Temporary Assistance Manual.)
1. Verification of Relationship
An official birth certificate is the best document for verifying relationship, but not the only document. The caseworker should be sure that an official birth certificate is unavailable before using other documents to verify relationship.
Acceptable verification includes but is not limited to:
- Adoption papers;
- Baptismal certificate, confirmation papers or other church records;
- Court support order;
- Divorce decree;
- Hospital records;
- Marriage certificate; or
- WINSTARState of Alaska Child Support Services Division System interface through Child Support Services (NCPNon Custodial Parent field on screens FD50, FD52, and FD55).
2. Verification of "Living With"
Acceptable verification includes but is not limited to:
- Social services agency records;
- Church records;
- Community organizations;
- Contact with school system;
- Day care center records;
- Contact with public housing authority;
- Fee Agent's personal knowledge;
- Head start records;
- Home visit;
- Hospital and clinic records;
- Juvenile Court records;
- Landlord's statement; or
- Neighbor's statement.
Common means of verifying the value of resources including land, buildings, life insurance, other personal property, and financial assets are shown below:
1. Documents the client may have:
- Auto financing data;
- Bank, credit union, and savings and loan statements;
- Bond certificate;
- Burial agreement with funeral directors;
- Burial reserve agreements;
- Car title and registration;
- Deed;
- Estate appraisals;
- Income tax return;
- Insurance policies;
- Mortgage appraisals;
- Notes;
- Real estate tax;
- Sales agreement;
- Securities; or
- Stock certificate.
2. Verification from other sources:
- Attorney's records;
- Automobile red and blue books;
- City & borough tax records;
- Court records;
- Department of Veterans Affairs records;
- Employer's insurance records;
- Insurance payment book;
- Municipal fire code records;
- Real estate agent or broker records;
- Real estate tax stamps;
- Real estate tax transfer;
- Stockbroker records;
- Title search; or
- Utility company records.
There are two kinds of income you must consider and both have to be verified.
Earned income includes all salaries, tips, wages, or other income from a person's job or self-employment.
Unearned income includes such things as retirement checks, Social Security, child support, unemployment checks, and so on.
1. Documents the client may have:
- Contribution check;
- Court orders;
- Correspondence from SSASocial Security Administration on benefits;
- Department of Veterans Affairs award notice;
- Divorce or separation papers;
- Income tax record;
- Leave and Earnings Statement (LES);
- Pay stub or fishing statement;
- Pension award notice;
- Railroad Retirement Board award letter or records;
- Support agreements and correspondence; or
- Unemployment benefit records.
2. Verification from other sources:
- Senior Benefits Program in EISEligibility Information System;
- Quarterly earnings and Unemployment Insurance benefits from DOLDepartment of Labor interface;
- Child Support Services Division (CSSDChild Support Services Division) interface (WINSTARState of Alaska Child Support Services Division System);
- City and borough sales tax records;
- Department of Veterans Affairs records;
- Employer's records;
- Insurance company records;
- Lawyer's records;
- Personal income tax records and returns;
- Social Security Administration interface records, including BENDEX, SDXState Data Exchange, SVESState Verification Exchange System, and TPQY;
- United Mine Workers Union (Black Lung Benefits);
- Worker's Compensation records;
- Receipts from contributions; or
- Statement of person making support contribution.